Chapter 34

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He cheated again... Casey was finally back on track. 8 months later, he cheated.

"I'm sorry I played you" he whispered, cradling Paisley in his arms. Tears falling from his eyes

"You think you played me? Who ended up losing? What did I lose? A boy who didn't appreciate what I did for him? What did you let go? A girl that would go out of her way to please you and someone that rode with you through thick and thin. A girl who loved and adored you regardless of your flaws. You can easily be replaced Casey, but a girl like me? Good luck finding a girl who put up with you and your shit like I did. Sorry... you played yourself" I laugh bitterly as I finish what I had to say, I shake my head and continue to pack mine and the kids things
"Please" I hear him croak, "I loved you once. Fell for you twice. Was dumped by you three times. Cheated on four times. And leaving you on the fifth. Please! Let me go" I smile weakly as I zip up the suitcase. I strap Paisley and Chetly in the car and leave.

•••1 year later•••
Casey and the boys are huge. He's got a girlfriend called Deborah, she's stunning. Me, her and Casey don't get along at all. Constantly argue. He's cheated on her and she's done the same to me.
Unfortunately I have to see Casey more than I'd like to as I'm in a happy, perfectly stable relationship with Chris. He treats me right, makes me laugh, cry, but not the sort of cry that makes me hurt, a good cry. Casey has the kids when he can, but I'm normally on tour with them.

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