Chapter 17

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It's been 4 months since the court case and 4 months since I slept with Casey.

Everyone had gone out and I was home alone, I ran myself a bubble bath and got inside, body instantly having an effect on the hot water. Tears started to fall as mascara started to run, I moved my legs up to my chest an cried. I heard the door open and close and I knew whoever it was that was home, I had to tell. Coral. "Babe! You ok?" She asks sympathetically "I'm pregnant" I whisper "That's a good thing right?" She smiles "I'm not ready, Casey defiantly isn't ready, not after what happened" I cry "You're both gonna be fine. We're all gonna help you Pey! Everyone's gonna be back in a bit so how about we go shopping and buy things for you, we can go baby shopping when everyone knows" she smiles, kissing my head. Coral is like my best friend slash sister. I love her.

We arrive back with bags and bags of things for Coral, Chetly and I "Hello gorgeous" Casey whispers kissing my head "I need to talk to you" I whisper back, we're stood in the kitchen with everyone and I can't be bothered to move but it's a bit of a squeeze so I have to whisper "Im pregnant" I whisper, I suddenly get lifted up and hugged very tightly by.. Chet! Take it everyone heard, Casey looked very shocked, he looked at me and hugged me, kissing my head "I love you" he smiles "I love you to" I look up and kiss his lips.

"Well, Miss Lloyd, you're 4 months pregnant. You have 5 months left. Congratulations" the doctor smiles.
We go home and tell everyone! I couldn't be more happy now

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