Chapter 23

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It's been a month exactly since I tried to drug myself, I've been going to counselling with Casey, he's been so supportive and surprisingly, his family have done the exactly opposite of what I thought!
They've invited me round for dinner and Tracey's practically begged me to get back with Casey which I've been considering.

However, today is one of them days where I feel so down and drained and want to cry at everything, I forgot to put sugar in my tea and cried, I forgot to tie Chetly's laces on his shoes and cried, my hair wouldn't go the way I wanted it do, and I cried.
I've been living with Casey at his parents house and they all must think I'm mental. "Pey! Come on! What's wrong now" Casey asks, rubbing my shoulders "I've had enough. I'm shaving it all off and starting again" I huff wiping away tears "Shaving what off?" He frowns very confused "My hair. I hate it. Why won't it just agree with me!" I sob into his chest "You don't need to cry" he chuckles "Is this a massive joke to you?" I sigh slumping myself down on the floor "No, but you don't need to cry, look! Let me do it" he smiles taking the brush out of my hand and unties the bobble, he ties it into a high ponytail and it actually doesn't look that bad! "You can do my hair more often" I wink at him, he kisses away my tears and laughs "I love you" he whispers kissing my lips, I gasp and pull away "You just kissed me, twice" I frown, he smiles and cups my face "Am I not allowed"
"I didn't think we were together" I smile
"Who's stopping us ay?" He winks and kisses me once again

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