Chapter 4

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Me and Coral decided to go out together, shopping, Tilley and Chetly were in school so Harley came with us while Casey stayed at the house, we took a seat in a restaurant as it was 1pm and we got hungry, while Coral went to order our drinks from the counter I decided to phone Casey
"Hello?" He questioned down the phone
"Hey, what you doing" I ask making small talk
"Nothing" he pants, slightly out of breath
"Why are you breathing funny?" I ask slightly confused
"I'm not" he breathes
"Look, babe I've gotta go. Love you" before I could say anything he hung up;
"What's up?" Coral asks carrying 2 cokes, "Its Casey, he's been acting weird the past couple of weeks and he's constantly on his phone, which he never payed attention to when it was the three of us or the five of us" I sigh taking my straw and strong my drink around "Maybe he's stressed, you know! He is in a boyband and they do have a tour coming up soon, maybe it's because he doesn't want to say goodbye" she smiles "Maybe your right, I'm over reacting;

Once we were finished in town we headed back to Corals house who she shares with Chet and her parents, "Peyton, how have you been" Tracey asks kissing my cheek "She's worried about Case mum" Chet says giving me a sympathetic smile "How did you know" I frown at his knowledge, "I can tell, come on! Let's talk about it" he smiles motioning his head towards the living room, I place the car seat on the floor which Harley is in, sleeping and sit down signing "So, what's happened" Tracey asks "Well you know my birthday and everyone came round, well this girl turned up and Casey said it was one of Chet's friends, Courtney I think it was? He was getting nervous and shaky and was stuttering when I asked about her but I'm probably just overreacting" I smile
"Courtney, yeah she's my friend, I invited her" Chet confirms to me

Chet's P.O.V
Once Peyton had left with Harley to pick up the kids from school, I rushed into the living room to where Coral and my mum where "Chet! What, you look like you've seen a ghost" my mum laughs "No! You know the girl Pey was on about? Courtney?" I frown and watch them nod "I have no idea who she is or what she looks like, I have a friend called Courtney but she's on holiday with her family, I have no idea who that girl was" I tell them, running a finger through my hair "Chet! You fucking idiot! We need to go to their house before Peyton gets back there" Coral shouts grabbing her coat.
My mum stays at home so it was just Coral and I, we see a strange car who none of us had seen before, we walk up to the door and open it to see Casey kissing a girl on the sofa "Case! What the fuck!" I shout making him jump "I should go" the girl whispers and walks past us, "Casey! You have fucking kids! Are you completely stupid! Who is that girl" I shout clenching my fists "Her names Courtney, please don't tell Pey! It'll crush her" he sighs running a hand through his hair, "You're a fucking mess" Coral shouts walking out, I follow her slamming the door behind me.
My brother is cheating on his girlfriend of nearly 5 years and betraying his 3 kids!

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