Chapter 15

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Play song

Dear Harley and Tilley
Mummy can't read this to you right now, so nanny is.
We all miss you so so much. Words cannot describe how treasured you out in our hearts. We never thought this would happen to such happy people. We all miss you terribly. Look down on us. Chetly wants you both back! We all do. Mummy and daddy haven't been the same. Uncle Chet and Auntie Coral miss you lots. Granddad and Nanny have thought about you so much! Please let us know how Uncle Daniel is!
And nanny. You'll finally meet nanny. She would've loved you just as much as we do. Please know you'll never be forgotten or replaced. There will be two bright starts shining in the sky tonight. We know that for sure. "I'll guid you home with my lighthouse" was what I would say when you were sad! And I still will.
Today we need to say goodbye. So we'll see you soon our little angels.
Love from
Mummy and Daddy xxx

Tracey read that so beautifully. I physically and emotionally couldn't do it. Tilley would sing this song to Harley to get him to sleep. Now today we're playing it to both of them while they sleep. I hold Casey's hand the whole was along with Chetly's. This is going to be so hard. I cannot believe the day actually came. No one should ever go through what we're going through.
We watch them burry our two beautiful children and walk away. The boys were a mess, I hug each one of them and everyone comes back to Tracey and Keith's house for food.

LighthouseOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz