Christmas/New Year special: Titans

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This was requested by: @kadramko @ZayRay030 @elkoindian @nightwolfgirl123

It was Raven and Damian's first Christmas as a couple, 

And dear Raven had no idea what to get her lover, it was so much easier as friends, she would just get him a sword or knife...

But now... now it was different, because her lover deserves so much more, she wants to gift him the world, everything he has ever dreamt of, she wants to kiss him, hug him and cuddle him all night long! 

She asked everyone in the tower, even Garfield, what to get him. Kori said gifts don't matter, it's... it's... uh- the emotions behind it that matter?

But Raven searched everywhere for a gift... she even searched on google:

what to buy your ex-assassin boyfriend who has both billionaire parents? 

It obviously didn't work.

See? internet doesn't solve everything.

Now what? the demoness thought. She needed to find something, because the next day is Christmas, and what would Damian think if she didn't get him anything?

It would disappoint him... 

And sad...

So Rachel is determined to find the best gift before it's too late.

And it was indeed too late... Before she knew it, Christmas morning has already arrived.

Raven is very disappointed in herself for not realizing so.

But luckily, she had a Plan B, and it might work perfectly if finished before everyone else wakes up.

Time skip~

The titans were gathered at breakfast, wishing each other a merry and happy Christmas and new year. 

Both Raven and Damian smiled each other happy.

And right after breakfast Kori has declared "Time to open the presents!" happily.

All the Titans have left except for Raven.

"Aren't you coming?" Damian asked.

Raven smiled and took his hand, dragging him to her room.

When they entered, Damian saw the TV on and there was a couch in front it, and in the middle, there was a table full of Damian's favorite snacks. And of course so many blankets.

Raven was grinning happily as she observed her lover's expression, from surprised to happy.

"You made this!"

"No shit sherlock," she laughed. "So want to start our movie marathon? or..."

"Actually, I wanted to give you something before we start" He answered running out of the room and coming back with a purple box in hand.

It wasn't small, nor big, and it was gorgeously decorated, totally Damian's work.

The box itself looked more expensive than Rachel's TV and couch combined.

She started feeling a little guilty for her cheap gift.

"So are you going to open it?" Damian asked curiously.

Raven nodded, taking the box carefully since it was heavy. She started opening the silver ribbon on the top, and then the clearly expensive wrapping paper, finally reaching the white box and opening it.

It was...

a book. 

But not any book, it was a photo album.

"Let's sit on the couch and take a look at it?"

Raven nodded as she sat, opening the album, the first picture was when they were at the carnival eating cotton candy. 

She smiled at the memory. 

They kept looking at the pictures and laughing together.

Damian stopped her halfway, "maybe we should start watching a movie? And then we can continue?"

"You like my gift? I mean... Yours is so expensive... and all I did is bring a TV and couch into my room," She sighed and looked down.

Damian lifted her chin and planted a small kiss on her lips, "Of course I like it, it shows me that you want to spend time with me," he planted another kiss on her cheek "And I love it, Raven, no matter how cheap it is" 

He kissed her lips in a passionate, hot kiss.

"I love you"

"I love you too bird boy"

They sat on the couch and covered themselves in blankets cuddling each other through the movies, laughing, screaming and kissing. They drank their eggnog...

"Merry Christmas Rae"

"Merry Christmas Dami"

It was Raven's best Christmas.

The Youngest Bat / one-shots/ BatfamilyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang