"PETS are the BEST"

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This was requested by Bookneard1215, thank you so much for the request! Credits to you!!!!
This is my first time doing a request so I am sorry if it didn't turn out as you wanted.
Alfred : 50
Selina and bruce are a couple : 38?
Barbara, Dick : 21
Stephanie, Tim, Cass : 16
Jason : 18
Damian : 11

Today was one of the few days where everyone was in the manor. Dick suggested to play board games, the family agreed, more specifically Dick didn't stop begging them so they had three choices
1- break the killing rule and murder the last Grayson
2- Commit suicide
3- play the board game.
So everyone agreed to choose number 3.
Everyone started playing except Alfred, who was making snacks.

~Present-while playing~

As everyone played, titus entered the room and sat down next to his owner.
"Demon it's your turn" jason said. They were playing 'jenga', and Damian was the worst at it. No not because he wasn't smart, it's because he is...
Damian hated the game, all he wanted to do was to finish his book.
Damian sighed and scanned the blocks to choose one to remove.
Titus watched as his owner played. He realized that his loyal owner was bored and annoyed.
So titus, being the smart and amazing dog he is, pushed all the blocks with his paw, making everything fall.

Everyone started arguing and yelling at each other except Damian who was patting titus's back. Titus jumped on his owner, making him fall backwards, titus stood on him and started leaking his face. "TITUS STOP IT! TITUS!" Damian said while laughing. Everyone stopped arguing and turned their attention to the youngest who was the victim of dog abuse.
He was laughing

None of them have ever seen him smiling like that. They were happy to see him happy.
"ARE YOU GOING TO STOP STARING AND GET HIM OFF ME!" Damian yelled still trying to get free.
Jason took titus off Damian. "You better not do this again" Damian said to titus.

Damian's P.O.V

Well, that was humiliating. But why did titus do such a thing? He never does that, maybe something is wrong with him? Or maybe he is happy about something?
"Thank you so much titus, now I will have to take a shower" I said sarcastically as I went to the stairs, everyone was still staring.

I went to my room and took a shower. As I went outside, titus wasn't in my room, nor was he in the living room, kitchen, library and hallway.
I was so worried, he was nowhere to be seen. I asked everyone in the manor, but they didn't see him either.

I went to my room and sat on my bed.
Did he leave me forever? But why? Is because I got angry at him today? Or does he hate me?
I miss him... I started tearing up, as I heard a knock on my door.
"Hey dami, can I come in?" I heard Selina say.
I didn't answer so she opened the door and came in.

Author's P.O.V

"Everyone is in the library, we are gonna play monopoly! So are you comi-" selina cut herself as she saw a tear come down Damian's face. "Hey there dames, are you ok?" She asked softly as she sat down on the bed next to him. He didn't answer, he was just looking down.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"He is gone" is all that came out of Damian.
"Who?" She asked anxiously
"Titus! I lost him!" He exclaimed
"Why?" She asked not understanding the situation
"I was taking a shower, and when I got out he was nowhere to be seen!" He said and started to cry.
Before doing anything, she went out of the bedroom and into the library where everyone was arguing.
She stomped her feet on the ground to gain their attention. It worked.
"What is it?" Bruce was the first one to ask, as he saw her angry-worried expression.
"While you ARGUING HERE, DAMIAN IS CRYING IN HIS BEDR-" dick cut her off " WHAT WHY IS HE OK, IS HE SICK, IS HE INJURED IS HE-" "Dick let her continue" this time jason cut him off.
"He losT titus!!!" Selina explained
Everyone gasped.
Titus was part of the family, but most importantly, he was part of Damian's heart.
So they had to find him.
Everyone got separated and searched EVERYWHERE!

When they finally gave up they went to Damian's bedroom and knocked on the door, he didn't answer. They slammed the door open, he wasn't there. Nor was he in the bathroom. The window was wide open. "He left didn't he" Timothy commented.

-Before he left-

Damian's POV

I was sitting on my bed, crying. I saw my door open a little, alfred the cat entered. He sat down next to me on the bed. He then came in my lap. I hugged him tightly, I can't lose him too. My animals are like my friends, but the kind of friends that never leave you. As I was patting alfred as I thought of a brilliant idea!


He can find Titus!

I just need to call his name, really, really loudly.

I did so. And after a few minutes of waiting, he entered from the window, I hoped on his back, taking alfred with me.
We flew on his back in the cloudy and dark gotham sky.
I looked at the city, it was... Bad, really bad. There was garbage everywhere, people were hiding guns in their pockets, animals were laying on the street, they looked hungry. Orphans were everywhere. I felt bad, sometimes i wish i could help them, but all i and my family can do is donate.

As i was lost in my thoughts, alfred was meowing. I looked at him, he gestured with his head to the park under us, I didn't know why but I told goliath to stop there. I hid him in an alleyway, and as I was doing so, alfred ran to a bench In the park. I followed him, and there....


He was under the bench, but he wasn't alone, there was another female dog with him!
alfred was sitting next to them. The dogs felt my presence, Titus looked at me as I jumped and hugged him very..very tightly.
He came here all the way from the manor, to meet this other dog... no wait I will call it...

Lillus! I hugged him again as I gestured him to follow me, we all went to golliath and we flew back to the manor. Lillus couldn't come with us. We arrived in the manor's garden, and by doing so everyone came running towards me. But they stopped dead in their tracks as they saw Goliath

"WHAT THE F*CK IS THAT CREATURE!" todd gestured to Goliath
Everyone else was speechless EVEN PENNYWORTH!

"That is Goliath, he is a bat-dragon, Goliath this is my... family." I introduced
"HE IS WHAT" everyone yelled at the same time

"Yes he is, he is also my pet, he can fly-" I said but I was rudely interrupted by goliath who jumped on me hugging me too tightly.

Everyone was still wide eyed... I didn't care all that matters is that all my friends are here.

Author's pov

after processing things, and a long explanation from Damian, everyone was now playing with the pets. But most importantly, Damian was happy!


Woops... this turned out really bad and rushed... sorry.

But I was too busy working on my other book, so I hadn't got enough time to make this any better.

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