Do I hate you? II

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Talia sat down on Damian's desk, 

Damian was speechless, she just told him she was dying, He didn't know how to feel.

So he sat on his bed, looking down at the ground, not knowing what to say or do.

What was he even feeling? sad? angry? worried?... scared?

Knowing that her son won't speak, she said "I wanted to see you, before..." she stopped.

"before you die" he finished for her, face still emotionless.

"indeed, I know this is a lot to ask... but do you forgive me?" She asked anxiously.

"I am sorry Talia, not after everything you have done"  He told her looking away.

what truly hurt her was the fact that he called her with her first name... not mother... not mom.


"No!" he yelled angrily. "Because in the end you will just use the Lazarus pit! And everything will go back to normal!" He continued.

"Damian, I cannot use the Lazarus pit, Because it won't fix anything, I am not dying from an injury, I am dying from a sickness." she explained, trying to convince her stubborn son.

the two fell in an awkward silence. 

Talia knew Damian had calmed down, so she took the chance and went to sit down with him on the bed. He didn't react. A good sign.

"Damian... son, I missed you." she spoke breaking the silence.

Damian wasn't even sure if this was the real Talia, 

Because the real Talia Al Ghul he knew, was emotionless, she never, ever spelled those words 'I love you' or 'I miss you' and rarely 'I am proud of you'.

"Who are you?" he asked

"What are you talking about? It's me! Your mother!" she exclaimed, but not angrily.

"Talia WAS NEVER A MOTHER TO ME! NEVER! ALL YOU- SHE DID WAS HURTING ME! TORTURING ME, BREAKING ME! AND... TAKING EVERYTHING I LOVED AWAY! just like how she took herself away from me..." Damian yelled, tears forming in his eyes.

Talia didn't know how to react. 

"You did that all the time... taking everything I loved away...Until to the point where I promised myself to never love again. But I failed. I love this family, I am ready to give my life to protect it" He continued, failing to keep the tears from falling. 

The mother's heart broke, she never meant to... do that to her son. She was trying to protect him from this cruel world... But now... she realized she was part of this cruel life. 

She was protecting Damian from breaking... when he loses someone. 

Just like when she lost her mother...when she watched her mom die... drown to death.

At that moment Talia, who was a young girl, broke into pieces. 

She never had a choice... she was never given the choice to choose between the life of cruelty, the one she was living now, or a normal life.

But, her son was given a chance in life. He had to choose between his mother and father.

He had to choose between the life of a criminal and the life of a hero.

And Talia was glad he made the right choice. 

He was a hero.

And she was proud.

The Youngest Bat / one-shots/ BatfamilyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon