Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

'Marry me' the word resounded into her brain like a broken violent string. Was this guy for real? There's no way, someone pinch me! Was he really asking her to marry him? Jenny closes her eyes, counted to ten and reopened them, hoping that she would not have seen him kneeling by her side. But alas, he was still there and it was all real. Marc Bloomfield was asking her to marry him, was this a joke, was someone making fun of her somewhere? she looks around, hoping to see some hidden camera. After all, with Marc, nothing was impossible.

Marc watches Jenny reaction with a mix feeling, as he understood her train of thoughts with her action, "I assure you this is not a joke and there are, no hidden camera in your office, if that is what you are looking for"

Jenny looks at him "how would I know, with you I should...."

"Give me your hand" says Marc

"What for?"

Raising his eyebrow, he looks at Jenny and says "you are my fiancé, the ring will seal the deal"

Jenny stares at Marc, like truly stares at him, she had to admit, that he was truly handsome and understood why women were going crazy over him. However, under that layer of handsomeness, was a man of wickedness and she will be a fool to let him walk all over her. He made one mistake and that was her. "You want me to marry you, give me one good reason, why I should marry you Marc Bloomfield?"

Marc didn't have to think twice to answer her, he gets up from his kneeling position and bent over Jenny. His breath just inches away from hers, he raises his hand and touches her cheek while he takes her other hand and places it over his heart as he held it there, he whispers "Can you feel the heartbeat? Can you feel how strong it is beating, and do you know, you are the reason why it is so. Whenever I think of you, whenever I breathe the same air as you, as we are doing now, my heart arches and all I want to do is take you in my arms and hold you there. I want to love you and bring you to places that you have never been and I don't mean actual places, I mean places where I will hear you moan only my name as you beg me to never stop."

"Only seen you, turns me into a beast and Jen" he moans her name "You can't imagine what you do to me. You are like my missing ribs, no that's not right, you are my missing ribs, and every time, I see you, my heart, my body and soul arches to hold you and demands that I make you mine. I just can't control myself when I am around you. I feel like you complete me and I want you, I want you now and I want forever with you. Marry me Jen, and you will come to understand that you and I are soul mate. I promise you that you will never regret it."

By the end of his speech, Marc face was close really close to Jenny's, her hand was still on his chest and his other hand still on her cheek. Whether Jenny like it or not, she felt like she had melted as his words touched her heart to the point that she could feel the warms spreading within and she found herself leaning into his touch. She looks into his eyes and saw the honesty within and it terrified her. She broke eyes contact for his eyes were pulling her in too much. She will certainly not fall into this abyss, she could not. Clearing her throat, she says "I don't.... I don't have a reason why I would want to agree to marry you and I am sorry, but your feelings are not reciprocated. I..."

"Then, give me a chance to have you fall in love with me"


"Give me a chance to be by your side, give me a chance to prove my love for you and wrap you within, give me a chance Jen, let me enter your heart as I only want to love you, please. I promise, if after everything, you still don't love me, then I will disappear completely from your life and everything will be returned to you. Please Jen!"

Why was her heart moved with his words? No one had ever confessed their love to her before, she had always thought it was because she was undesirable but here was a man, one of the richest man on this planet, here he was confessing his love to her and begging her to give him a chance. Her mouth had dried out and her heart was beating too fast. She felt his hands move on her cheeks. His touch was so warmed and soft, it was like the sweet caress of the wind. She looks back into his eyes. Eyes that were pulling her in and for a second she truly wanted to let herself be engulf in this tornado of feelings.


She closes her eyes and tries to calm her racing heart. She opens them and stares at Marc "you have three months, three months to prove to me everything you have just stated. If you can win my heart, then I'll gladly agree to marry you. Until then, you and I are simply pretending to be engaged"

Marc couldn't believe his hears as an unexplainable joy came over him and the urged to crush her into his body was strong. However, he restrained himself, he hadn't wholeheartedly won her over. She gave him a time frame and within that time frame, he will do everything in his power to completely win her over. But right now, as much as he wanted to hug her, he didn't. Instead, he took her left hand and places the ring. In three months, he will buy her another and that one will be the one to seal the true deal. 

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