Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Malia had given her son the space he needed to conquer the woman that had captured his heart. Thanks to Julian, she was kept updated with everything Marc was doing. She also knew his frustration, for till now Jenny hadn't shown up on his doorstep. She didn't know the woman, but she respected and admired her. She knew of her past, keeping herself in line through this corrupted world was something to be applauded.

So when she saw her son announcement on TV, she turns to Julian, "your brother is calling trouble to himself and for her."

"Mother I don't think you need to worry; Marc knows what he is doing" responded Julian as his phones ring indicating that he had received a message.

She watches as he read the message with a smile on his lip "may I know what have you smiling so"

"It is a text from Andrew, Jenny has just left her building and heading toward Marc's, according to Andrew, she is a volcano about to erupt"

Intrigue, Malia gets up and turns toward her son "should we head over to Marc's office"

"Mother I do not believe Marc needs our help, he can handle his woman"

"Who says I was heading there to help him"

Julian raised his head to look at his mother and saw the mischief in her eyes, knowing that look he knew there was no way he would be able to convince her not to head over there. But who was he kidding, he too wanted to see live the development of this story. He takes his car keys and headed out as he was followed by his mother.

The ride to the office took less than fifteen minutes, he was sure that he would have gotten a ticket with the way he was driving since his mother couldn't stop telling him to go faster. Once they arrived, they entered the building, was greeted by the receptionist, took the elevator to the seven-floor. Once the door open, they step out and headed for Marc's office.

Sitting in a corner not far from Marc's door was Jimmy who upon seen them, quickly stood and came over and blocks their way.

"Jimmy, what is the meaning of this?" asks Julian

"I don't think it's a good time for you to enter, things have been a bit chaotic inside"

"No way, they started without us," said Malia as she pushes Jimmy aside and opens the door.

Neither Malia nor Julian were ready to see the sight that greeted them as they open the door. There on the floor was Marc and Jenny in a rather compromising situation. Jenny faces showing guilt as if she was a child that was caught doing the naughty.

When the door opened and Marc saw his mother and brother walking in, he froze, this was not part of the plan. What were they doing here? He quickly looks at Jenny and saw she had closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, she made a movement to remove herself from him. He didn't stop her, he got up and held his hand out for her to take and she did and for that he was happy. However, she didn't look at him as she turns around his office, looking for her purse which was by his desks. She bends down, takes her purse and was about to leave when he blocks her way. She stops but still didn't look at him, he wanted to scream sanity, the only progress he made after months of hard work and it was shattered in a couple of seconds by his family.

He didn't force her to look at him, instead, he buttons up the top of her blouse as he sights, he wanted to say something, anything but whatever he will say may be used against him.

"Please let me through" she whispers

Malia watches as the scene unfolds and felt the need to say something, she walks further into the room and stood not far behind Marc who was blocking Jenny's path "Marc why don't you introduce us to your fiancé?"

Jenny head shot up to Marc and looks at Malia, she was about to say something from the look in her eyes when Marc beats her to it

"Mother, I would like for you to meet Jenny, my future bride"

Jenny's head swam as she thoughts she heard the word mother, she looks at Malia who had this bright smile on her face, and behind her stood another man that she recognizes, she had met him at the police stations, he and Marc had quite a resemblance.

"Come on brother, mother, is not the only one in needs of an introduction"

Jenny felt dizzy, mother, brother and they saw her with Marc on the floor as he was...oh my gosh, she needed to get out of here, she needed air, this was too much, his mother caught them in the act and...

"Jenny" Marc calls out to her, "Jenny are you alright"

When she raised her eyes at him, he saw daggers and knew the sleeping volcano had reawakened

"Stay away from me" she yelled at him

And stormed out, but before passing the door, she turns around to address Marc's mother and brother "I am truly sorry, I am sure in another circumstance I would have gladly introduced myself Mrs. Bloomfield, but..."

"Hush, child, I understand, I will not judge, I expect us to meet for tea later on this week"

Jenny's eyes widening as if she was in a horror movie and was faced against a monster, she gulps and quickly turns around and hightailed it out of the office and the building.

The moment she left, Julian spoke "I see you've made some progress"

"No thanks to you, I would have to start from scratch again"

"Why would you need to start from scratch again when you have all the cards in your hand" responded Malia, as she watches through the window Jenny getting into her car.

"You do know that she will not be coming to that tea invitation," says Marc

"Of course, that's why you're here, to make sure that she comes in whatever means you're going to use. Sighing "I came here to see you been beating to death and instead was greeted by something else, next time please make sure you lock your door, the poor girl wouldn't have felt this embarrassed had your door been locked.

Marc internally groans, but didn't say anything, he viewed his office, the only reminder that Jenny his volcano had been there. He almost had her, almost, sighting, He had hope that he wouldn't have to use this last card, but now he had no choice.

Taking his phone, he dials Andrew number who answered on the first ring "I thought she killed you" he says upon answering

"Haha, very funny, you may have to let the staff go, Jenny is not feeling well and I am pretty sure she will be in a daze when she arrives. Try to be there for her"

"What have you done to her," says Andrew a bit protectively

"Nothing that is your business, I swear if you weren't my cousin, you would have met your end, she's my woman, not yours"

Hearing him says so Andrew replies "then grow up and be the man she needs"

"Don't you think I am trying"

"Try harder and by the way, opening night is next weekend" with that Andrew hangs up and Marc found himself even more frustrated then he was before. He wanted to be mad at his family for interrupting him, at the same time, he was glad they came, they stopped him from a making a very huge mistake and with Jenny, he couldn't make any mistake, she was too precious to him to ever make a mistake. 

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