Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Jenny watches as Marc pulls out an envelope from his suit pocket while his eyes never left hers. The intensity of his stare made her uncomfortable. Still she tries to ignore it and looks straight back at him with a raised eyebrow. He leans forward and hands her the envelope to which she takes with a frown. At first she thought it was money, she was ready to throw it at his face. But as she touches the envelope, she realizes that it was the not the case.

Unable to shake the uncomfortable feeling, Jenny as in slow motion, opens the envelope. She was dreading what was inside as she thought of the possibility of it, been a marriage contact. Who was she kidding, she has read too much romantic books she internally chuckles. She removes the document in the envelope and slowly opens it.

She scans the top of the document and realize that it was the contract with the bank. How did such documents come to be in Marc hands? Frowning she continue to read the documents, it was as if a magnet was pulling her to read the whole document. The more she read, the more dreadful she became until her world came crashing down once she read the main text to which it stated that her debts to the bank had been fully paid by Marc Bloomfield.

"What is the meaning of this?" she asks dumbfounded

"Are you done reading it?"

"Answer my questions, why in the world will you pay my debt?"

Instead of answering, Marc looks at her. He started staring at her from her face and slowly drifted to her neck, to her shoulder, her chest and her breast, he raises his eyes back to hers and says "do you really have to ask that questions?"

The slow stares of his, had lighted something inside of Jenny that not only was making her uncomfortable but also angry. She was about to lash out when she heard a knock.

"We're busy" she half screamed

"Come in" Marcs says at the same time as her.

The door opened and in walks the man she had met the last time she had gone to Marc's office.

"Sir, I have brought the documents you had asked me"

"Thank you Jimmy, bring it over and hand it over to Miss Jenny"

Jimmy walks further into the office "Ma'am" he says to Jenny as he hands her the document

She takes the folder and opens it to read "contract between Jenny Sully and Marc Bloomfield" the further she read, the bigger became the hole she felt had opened earlier. To top it all, at the end of the document was her signature. In that moment, her word came crashing down as she realizes that it was indeed her signature. 'How did he acquire her signature?' she racks her brain to remember when and how did her signature came to be on such document. The only person she trusted with her documents and had signed them without a doubts was Andrew. Could he...." Andrew?"

"Andrew is my cousin" stated Marc "and CEO of the A&B corporation. I placed him by your side, he didn't have much of a choice; as I needed him to help you with everything that you needed. Had I come forward myself, you would have rejected me. However, having him by your side, gave me the opportunity to be closer to you and in a different way. As you have read, La Bella's restaurant belongs to me in name. Since I have invested in everything you have acquire, your money had stayed untouched from the beginning. If you turn the pages, you will find the documents into which you agreed that I invest and reimbursed the bank on your behalf. It is agreed that, La Bella's restaurant will solely be mine in name, however you remain the main representative of it"

Jenny heard everything that Marc had said, and every word felt like an arrow to her heart. All those months, she blindly trusted someone she thought was trustworthy. In the end it was all a setup. Suddenly feeling her limbs going weak, Jenny lay back on her office chair. Her heart felt constricted as she felt the beginning of a panic. Closing her eyes, she tries to take deep breath.

Marc who had been watching her saw the rapid movement of her chest and became alert. She had closed her eyes and looks to be trying to breathe. He gets up to stand beside her, he places a hand on her back, kneels down beside her and whispers "breathe Jenny, you're doing it too fast, relax and do it more slowly" at first he thoughts she was not going to do as she was told, but when he saw her doing exactly what he said, he continues to guide her.

Not totally free from the emotions that were trying to burst out, Jenny opens her eyes and stares at Marc besides her. She swears if she had a gun, she would have shot him. She removes her eyes and stares ahead. She can't have a panic attack, now was not the time. Taking one last breath she turns her head back to Marc and says "What do you want Marc Bloomfield? You came like a storm into my life, destroying my peaceful world and turning it upside down and now you've taken the very thing I hold dear. What could you possibly hope to achieve?"

Hearing the sound of her broken voice made Marc heart arches. He never wanted to hurt her, all he wants is to cherish her like she truly deserves. He spent month learning about her and everything about her, made him fall deeper in love. He wishes she could feel what he was feeling, then she would have understood his craziness for her. Instead of answering, Marc pulls out a small box from his costume pocket, opens it to reveal a beautiful diamond ring, he looks at Jenny who had this surprise look and says "Marry me"

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