Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

As the days went by, Jenny found herself so preoccupied with her premiere that all thoughts of Marc's were gone from her mind. She kept herself busy as the special day approaches and she could not contain her excitement as she felt like a kid in a play store. Everything was going as planned and she couldn't be more thankful to Andrew for everything he had done for her. Without his devout attention toward making her dream come true, she wouldn't have made it.

She had more than ask herself or more like envision what a romantic relationship with Andrew would have been like. He was a thoughtful, passionate, overprotective and everything she could imagine. However, much to her dismay, all the emotion she could sum up toward him was of friendship. Call her stupid, but just like all the book she read, where the main female characters' blood boils upon meeting their future husband, she sorts of expected that sort of reaction. Maybe it was something that happens in books but not reality. But how would she know, she was inexperience when it comes to it.

Taking a deep breath, she went back to purchasing the bottle of wine. She had been standing in the aisle lost in her thoughts. Tonight, she, Alec and Andrew were having dinner at her apartment. A pre-celebration to tomorrow events. Much to her dismay, Alec had forbid her to cook, so tonight it was all him. Finally deciding on the wine, she chose the red one called "Ménage a trois" not an expert in wine, she simply chose.

Heading over to the cashier, she paid for the wine and headed out. As she reaches her car, she felt like she was being watched. She turns around, but the parking lot was empty, except for a few cars pack on the side road. She unlocks her vehicle and went in and wasted no time to leave.

Marc felt his impatient wearing thin and the days couldn't go any faster. He was tired of having news of Jenny via pictures and videos. He wants to physically feel her presence, to admire her as she talks and laughs, to hold her hands as they walk together and so much more. He was a helpless romantic. Gosh, 'what I would give to be at her apartment at this moment' he thoughts. He knew about the dinner that his cousin was taken part of. True be told he was extremely jealous of Andrew, he saw the way he was cozying up to Jenny and he didn't like it one bit. James kept telling him that Andrew wouldn't do anything, but he had his doubts.

Felling like he was going crazy and staying in was driving him mad, he took his car keys and decides to stroll around with no destination in mind. His driving brought him in from of the city market, and for some reason he felt like turning off the ignition, which he did. He simply sat there as he imagine himself with Jenny going food shopping and a smile appeared on his lips. As he turns his head toward the entrance door, he sees a woman coming down and her postures looked familiar. Her head was faced down as she looks for something in her bag and upon finding it, she raises her head, and Marc's felt his breath cut short as his heartbeat increase.

His Jenny was right in front of him, he watches as she turns around as if inspecting the area, she had a frown on her face and he didn't like that. Was someone bothering his Jenny? He starts his ignition as the same time she did and putting a bit of distance between her and him, he follows her as he tells himself that he was making sure that she was safe. Less than twenty minutes, he watches as she parks her car, get downs and headed inside. On impulse, he almost followed her, but went against it. Up on the third floor, he could see Andrew and the other man he heard about, he couldn't remember his name, but he had practically integrated his Jenny life and that he didn't like it one bit.

From his vehicle windows, he watches them as sadness fills him. He wishes that by the same time next year, he will be able to be part of this reunion and more.

Two hours and thirty minutes later, with full stomachs, Andrew and Alec decides to leave Jenny apartment as she kept yawning and falling asleep. As both of them reaches the second floor, Andrew turns toward Alec, "dinner was very delicious Alec, you're not bad for an old man, and I can't believe that tomorrow is already the big day"

"Ah yes" responded Alec, "amazing how time seems to fly us by unexpectedly. Our Jenny has come really far, it has been a journey and I hope it will not be the last time we see you around"

"You can't get rid of me, even if you dare" says Andrew as he laughs "well I better get going, tomorrow is a big day" as Andrews turns around to leave, Alec calls him


Turning around "yes" responded Andrew

"When are you going to ask her out? I can see you're attracted, yet you never made a move, are you waiting for someone else to steal her"

Andrew froze, was his attraction toward Jenny that obvious, giving a nervous laugh "is she not already taken, last I know someone publicly declared that she was his"

"Oh please, a man that talks more than take actions, is not worthy in my book. Had he taken actions, I would have probably considered it, but now, even if he does take actions, I will be the first one to send him flying. Right now he has no chance with Jenny, while you on the contrary has it. Think about it? And stop wasting time"

After saying so, Alec enters his apartment, leaving a frozen Andrews on the stairs. 'Had it been another time, he would have gladly taken the old man advise, but it was no other time, Jenny was already claimed and nothing he would do, could change that. His family matters to him the most and he couldn't let his emotions get the better of him. She was Marc's woman and that was that. As for his feeling he will have to get a better hold on them, otherwise it will not be good' He sights and proceeded downstairs.

He reaches the main door and as he was closing it "Looks like you've all had a great time up there"

"Jesus Christ, Marc was the hell?"

"Did I scare you? My bad, but that was the intention" said a laughing Marc

"What the hell are you doing here Marc?"

"I was just driving through the neighborhood"

"You were driving through the neighborhood or were you following her? Jenny mention that she felt like she was being watched? Guess you were the stalker"

"She said so, yikes, I didn't mean to scare her"

"I am sure you didn't. So seriously Marc what in the world are you doing here? If she sees you who knows what she'll do"

"With all that yawning, I am sure that Jenny is completely knocked out"

"How do you know she was yawning?"

"I could see you guys through the window, we have to think of a way to change her dining room position, I hate the fact that outsider could intrude"

Thus the reason why, he couldn't compete against Marc, Andrew thought, He was quick-witted and always seeking to accommodate his close one. If Jenny accepts him, she would be one lucky woman. Andrew felt his heart ache as he thoughts so.

"Well good thing you are here cousin, I left my car home, so a ride will be quite appreciated"

Marc simply shook his head and headed over to his vehicle with Andrew following.

After Alec had entered his apartment, he remembers that he had left his reading glasses in Jenny's office. He proceeds downstairs and into the office, took his glasses and as he was heading back, he hears the sound of an engine outside, moving toward the door, he sees a vehicle leaving but because of the darkness he couldn't see the drivers. Thinking nothing of it he checks to see if the doors were locked, then went back to his apartment.

Tomorrow was going to be a long day; he just hopes that nothing will go wrong.

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