Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

As the days went by, Jenny restaurant was beginning to take shape. She had a herd of people working on her behalf and she had Andrew to thank for. What she thought was going to take her a year to finish was actually taking a little less than six months. She couldn't begin to express her joy.

However, with her restaurant well underway, her private life had taken a turn for the worse. She found herself a prisoner in her own establishment and all because the rumors about her and Bloomfield having a possible relationship hadn't died down. She was surprised that their last video was still available to the public. She had thought that like last time, he would have done something about it.

To top it all, she had paparazzi following her everywhere she went. She found herself dressing up to the extent to blend in, there were times it works and other times it didn't. Worse, she kept seen Bloomfield everywhere she went, he was like a magnet and she was seriously getting tired of the situation.

It was on a Friday afternoon, as she casually chatted with Andrew about the next equipment to purchase for the kitchen, she heard the sound of the TV monitor, she turns around to see who had turned on the TV and saw that it was Amelia, a member of the designing team, she was about to asks why she turned on the TV but stop short when she saw who was on the monitor. Marc Bloomfield was nicely seated on a couch as the journalist interviewed him.

She had to admit to herself that he was a sight to behold, dress in a black suit and with his hair slick back, he was the definition of... Shaking herself out of her thoughts, she turns toward Amelia to ask her to decrease the volume, but her words were cut short as she heard her name.

"So tell me, Mr. Bloomfield, what is Jenny Sully to you? Ever since your encounter went viral the world hadn't stopped wondering about the possibility of you been taken off the market" says the journalist

He smiles as he takes his time to answer "They're right to think so, I am indeed off the market"

Jenny froze as she heard those words as her mind went overboard as she thought about Marc. It made sense that every time their path had crossed, Marc had been more than civil and there were times he would ignore her completely as if she was a stranger as if he didn't kiss her once but twice. Hearing that his heart had been taken, she understood, she felt relief at the same time why did her heartache.

"Oh my gosh, ladies, I am sure all of you are listening, our number one bachelor is no longer available since a special lady has stolen his heart," says the journalist as she addresses the camera. Turning back to Marc "I hope you don't mind, but we are all curious as to whom had the audacity to capture your attention, after all, pardon for saying so Mr. Bloomfield you're a hard man to catch"

Pretending to be deep in thoughts, Marc took his time to answer and taking a deep breath "she is probably going to kill me, but I am really tired of keeping our relationship to our self when we are deeply in love" he says dramatically, but continues as he plasters a smile on his face "you know I didn't believe in love until I met her, she turned my world upside down and his keeping me on my toes, I love the fact that she so natural and that smile of hers"

Jenny roll her eyes as she hears Marc declarations and wishes whoever the woman was, good luck, as she was turning her attention back on Andrew, she heard the following sentences that had her frozen in her spot.

"Mr. Bloomfield," says the journalist "you're killing us with the suspense"

"I am so sorry, I get so carried away when I think about her" turning his attention to the camera "honey, I am really sorry but I just can't keep it a secret anymore" turning his attention back to the journalist "I believe you have met her before, our first encounter had been in a store where she practically had thrown everything she could find at me and for what reason? All because I had kissed her and stolen her first kiss. I mean come on, she was a dazzling sight and I just couldn't help myself. Our second encounter had been at the Italian restaurant where she practically punched me"

As he recounted their meeting, Jenny breathing elevated as she could see the red light flashing in front of her as horror filled her whole body.

"Wow," says the journalist "so you mean to tell me that the woman who has currently stolen your heart is none other than Jenny Sully"

"You're totally correct" responded Marc

"It is my understanding that Miss. Sully is actually working on opening her own restaurant down at Boulevard Avenue"

"Again you're correct"

"Any news on when the premiere will be"

"I cannot say, this information is to be revealed by my fiancé"

"Fiancé? Why so fast" says the journalist with a hint of unhappiness

"When you meet your other half, no time needs to be wasted and I am a man who doesn't waste time in obtaining what he wants"

By the time the interview was over, Jenny was seen more than red as she sprouted words of profanities toward Marc, forgetting she had an audience. She cursed the day they met and the fact that he was born and many other things.

Her audience stood still as they watched her going crazy and Andrew came to the conclusion that if Marc was present, the assaults he had gotten earlier would have been far worse. He had to say his cousin had good taste. If he hadn't put his seal on her, he too would have taken the advantage to woo her. Atlas, he had no choice but to befriend her. He continues to watch her and when she finally realized that screaming at the TV didn't mean a thing, she turns her fury eyes around the room, marches toward the counter, grabs her bag and storms out.

He quickly grabs her hands as she was going to open the door "Jenny where are you going"

"I am going to murder that son of b......I should have cut his ball the first time we've met"

"Jenny takes a deep breath; I am...."

"Don't you dare say whatever words you're about to say and I advise you to let me go unless you don't want that hand of yours"

At her words, he lets go and watch her step outside, gets into her vehicle and drives away.

He takes his phone and dial Marc number, he answers on the first ring "she's on her way and cousin good luck, you will need it" 

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