Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

After leaving Marc's office, Jenny found herself driving with no destination as her brain relived the scene as her thoughts go haywire. Inside she was screaming her frustration and chastising herself, why did she let go, why did she allows him such liberty, why did she allow weakness? Why, why, why,

For once, she found herself truly lost for this situation was getting out of hand and she had no idea how she was going to fix it. She didn't want the attention, she didn't want to be the center of gossip, she didn't want many things, yet whatever she did not want, was what was happening to her. GOD I know you're not cruel, I know you will not place your child in an undesired situation unless there's a need to be. But I don't see the need, I don't see what I need to learn from all this. What am I supposed to do? You've led me this far yet why do I feel like you've become silent.

She hadn't realized that she had arrived at her destination until she parks the vehicle and a smiling Andrew standing by the door was waving at her. She takes a deep breath, took her bag, opens her door, closes it and walks toward the building pretending that all was alright

As she arrives near Andrew, he takes one look at her and says 'I suppose that you didn't get the result that you were expecting"

Unable to answer she simply nods her head.

"Why don't we go to your apartment and talk it over with a bottle of wine"

"I don't have wine; would tea be ok?"

"It's liquid, so fine by me"

"But how about the staffs, there's still work to be done?"

"You don't have to worry about that, I have sent them home"

"You did? thank you so much, Andrews, I don't know what I would have done without you" she replies as the facade she had been trying to put fell as the defeated girl appears

"Come on inside, Jenny, there's no rule that says we need to stay at the entrance"

Jenny simply nods her head as she was led inside, she looks at her surrounding, though she was seen, it was if she was blind, nothing registered. Andrew takes her hand and led her upstairs. Her apartment was on the third floor. He takes her key and opens her door.

Andrew didn't know what to expect when he opened Jenny's doors, but he definitely did not expect the cleanliness mixed with the cozy feeling and sweet aroma of fresh linen mixed with apple cinnamon. He walks inside and inhales deeply, this was how coming home should feel like.

Shaking himself out of his thoughts, he follows Jenny to the kitchen, she motions for him to sit as she set about preparing the tea. Ten minutes later, they both had the hot cup of their black earl tea in front of them and Andrew's eyes fixated on Jenny as he could see the battle brewing within her. Whatever happened at Marc's office shook her, deciding to break the silence "Do you want to talk it about?"

She looks at Andrew as if debating if she could trust him, she saw the sincerity behind his eyes and that was enough for her to confide in him "Things didn't go as I wanted it"

"That I can tell, for the woman that left earlier was a determined woman and now you look defeated, tell me what happened?"

"What does he see in me anyway, I mean I have nothing that's worth attracting to, right?"

Shocked was an understatement for Andrew as he hears Jenny's words but what broke him was the helpless look she was giving him. If he was going to boost her up, he will need every single whatsoever to help him out. "Tell me what happened first and we will proceed from there"

She sighs but did as she was told "I had every intention to talk to him, have him explain his game and why was he torturing me so. But when I arrived in the office and burst open his door, with his assistant I suppose right on my tail, I would have expected him to explode and say something that could give me some leverage"

"He didn't?"

"Nope, without even looking up, he told his assistant to get out and to cancel his afternoon plan, it was as if he was expecting me."

'That I am guilty of' thought Andrew

"I demanded that he takes back what he said in his interview, instead of do you know what his answer was"

"No," says Andrew sounding intrigue

"His answer was 'why should he do so' like really what kind of person would announce his nonexisting relationship to the whole world, I mean, what is there for him to gain"

'You' thought Andrew, 'And I would have probably done far worse had I been in Marc shoes, too bad he met you first.'

"And he had the audacity to mock me, I mean really? Sorry, but I had no patience to deal with him a normal adult would, so I took a stapler on his desk and was about to throw it at him, but he was fast enough to hold my hands, so I slap and kicked him in his stomach. Somehow we ended up wrestling on his office floor and...."'

'Violent much, but he would have deserved it again thought Andrew. But he said to Jenny "And then Jenny?"

As her silence prolongs, Andrew brought his chair closer to hers, took her hand in his "what happened?"

As Andrew held her hand, Jenny didn't feel the spark she had felt with Marc and that had her perplexed, but not lingering on it, she answers with exasperation "We kissed alright".

"and then"

"What do you mean and then, we kissed and he was doing all this funny thing to my body, don't worry I had my clothes on," she says without looking at Andrew who was trying to control his laughter and stoic face. "I don't know what I would have done, hadn't his family showed up. The worst, they found him on top of me as he was going to unzipping my pants. I could have died a thousand times over and over, I feel so embarrassed. This has never happened to me"

"Wait, you mean to tell me, that his mother and brother walked on you with Marc on the floor about to have sex?"

"Yes, wait, what, did you say sex? for I did not say such word"

"Excuse me, but you said funny things, so I assume you guys were going to have sex"

"Take that back, Andrew Colton, there's no way and I mean no way I would ever have sex with such a despicable and vile man. No way, I mean eww, gosh, Andrew Colton" she screams

Andrew was really trying to keep his face as normal as possible as Jenny continues to deny the word sex over and over as he was apologizing over and over 'this girl was too pure for her own good and so innocent' however as he watches her and hear her speaks, his admiration of her grew, Marc was one lucky fella and he couldn't deny that he was not only envious but jealous as well. 

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