Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Jenny woke up to an empty apartment, and she was laying on the couch with a cover on top of her. The last thing she remembered was watching TV with Andrew then blackout. She must have fallen asleep, she sat down and looked around and saw a piece of white paper on the table with Andrew handwriting 'You're beautiful when you're asleep, didn't want to disturb you, have a good rest and see you tomorrow. Your confident Drew'

Jenny smiles at the note as happiness fills her, Andrew made her really happy calling himself her confident. She gets up from the couch and look at the clock on the wall and saw that it was close to ten. Deciding to take a shower, she did just that, and as the water fell on the body, she recalls the scene in Marc's office and a shudder goes through. her. As she applies the soap, she could feel Marc's breath on her body as he kisses her. Closing her eyes, she recalls the scene and her breath hitch. This was all new sensation to her, the way her body responded to her touch was sending her thoughts into a different direction. However, when her hand reaches her bottom lips, she froze.

What was she doing? What was wrong with her? This had never happened to her. What in the world had he done to me? she screams. She felt like she was losing control of her body, it was like her body had a mind of its owns and was screaming at her to give it what it wants. She comes this far by herself and she certainly was not going to let a jerk make her lose control and make her do things she had promised herself never to do.

Though the feeling was foreign to her, she will have to find a way to conquer them, she hadn't come this far without conquering every fear and hesitation she had. This was just a small test, she can handle it, or so she thought. While her brain was telling her one thing, her heart was telling her another. She leaves the shower, took her pajamas and went straight to bed. Tomorrow was another day and she needed to put Marc out of her mind.

The very next, after her morning routine, Jenny had joint the staff below, she found Andrew in the kitchen as they were placing the new stove.

"Good morning Andrew"

"Good morning Princess, how was your sleep," asks a smiling Drew

"Ok, I suppose" was her response

But Andrew didn't believe her but decided not to linger on it, instead, he pulls out the updated contract that they would have the new staff member signed and handed it over to her. Together they sat down and started working on it. By the time they were done, it was almost four in the afternoon and they were wrapping up, when a member of Andrew team approaches him "Sir, there's a man outside, claiming that he lives here and demands to see Ms. Sully"

"A man?"

The woman only nodded as Andrew frown, from what he knows of Jenny, she had no one in her life. Deciding not to disturb her, he proceeded to the front to see who this man was. But he was late for as he arrives into the dining hall he sees Jenny giving the man a hug. 'what the hell, who was this man that she was touching and laughing with'.

He approaches the couple and clears his throat to make his presence known and upon hearing him, both heads turn toward him. Smiling at him, Jenny takes the man hands within hers and says "Andrew I'll like for you to meet Alec, Alec was the previous owner of this beautiful place"

Still didn't explain why she was so cozy with the guy thought Andrew "Nice to meet you, I am surprised, not many owners will stop by to see what has been done to their previous property, I hope you're not reconsidering"

Laughing Alec responded "Now why would I do that?" turning to Jenny "You've turned this place into something amazing, I am speechless"

"I didn't do it by myself, I have Andrew and his team to thank for"

'And Marc" thought Andrew

"By the way, you should see the kitchen, every time I go there, I am blown away, come on let me show you" with Alec hands still in hers, she led him on a tour with a frowning Andrew behind and the whole staffs whispering among them. They all knew Marc's temper and they couldn't begin to fathom what his reaction will be and if and when he found out that his girlfriend had a male friend.

Alec had not been oblivious to the stares that were sent their way as Jenny showed him around and he certainly didn't miss the look on Andrew's face as he watches them. Was there something that he didn't know about? While he was on his way back, he had heard of the interview about Marc Bloomfield claiming Jenny's at his girlfriend, surprisingly during their many talks, she hadn't mentioned having a boyfriend. Was she scared of telling him and was there something else?

He had heard of the Bloomfield's and how they came about, through hard work and determination they made it. However, they were a mystery to the world, their private life was kept strictly private. In the many events he had hosted, he had a glimpse of them from far away and he saw firsthand how ruthless they were when they wanted something. To think that Marc would openly declare Jenny as his girlfriend was a first and he needed to interrogate her on the matter.

Once they were done with the visit, Alec couldn't contain his feeling as he hugs Jenny and congratulates her. With the right amount of publicity, this restaurant could become a hit and once he goes back into his apartment he was sure to contact some of his old acquaintances and invite them to the premiere. Lost into their world, Alec felt a tap on his shoulder, reminding them that he was not alone and that they were being stared at.

Andrew was angry, this man was old enough to be Jenny's father and yet she was all cozy toward him, like what the hell? Not wanting to show any signs of brutality, he gently says "Jenny you should let Alec go, I am sure since he has seen the place he could rest assured that his old building had turned into something wonderful and Alec I am sure you have more important matters to deal with and you could leave Jenny to her work"

"You're right," says Jenny "where was my head, you've just arrived from your trip and here I am showing you around, you must be tired, why don't you go up and rest a bit, I'll stop by later for dinner as we've promised"

Now that was enough "wait a damn minute, why will he go up to your apartment Jenny, who is this man to you" shouted Andrew

Stepping in front of Jenny, Alec stood toes and toes in front of Andrew "Watch your manner young man, I will not have anyone insult my daughter"

Complete silence reigns in the room at Alec declarations, Andrew looks at Jenny then back at Alec seen no family resemblance, was this guy taking him for a fool, he was about to speak when Jenny steps in between

"Andrew, Alec's lives here, on the second floor, when I brought this place, we had an added clause where Alec gets to keep his old apartment, so technically..."

Andrew didn't know what to say, he thought Jenny may have grown a second head. As if seeing his reactions, Alec wraps his arms around Jenny's necks and smirks at Andrew as he says to Jenny "Why don't we go up a bit, seems like I have a lot to catch up sweetie pie"

Unaware of the tension in the room, Jenny looks at Andrew "I'll be back, can you take over while I am gone"

Andrew looks at her and simply nods, he watches as Alec takes Jenny's hand in his and walks away. Dread filled him as he thought about Marc's reaction. What was he going to do?

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