Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

"Shouldn't you be out there, what are you doing in the kitchen? don't tell me you're miss me and came to check up on me, ma'am I knew I was handsome, but you are giving it a new definition" says Mateo as he wiggles his eyebrows at Jenny which earned him a laugh. He smiles as he watches her smile, completely oblivious to his surroundings.

Jenny couldn't help but laughs at Mateo and his jesting, "you're half right, I did come to check on you, also I would want you to step out for a bit when you can so they can meet you. From the number of moans, I am hearing in that room, it will be a matter of time, before the public asks for you."

"Sure, I will be more than happy to, as long as you let me be your escort in that moment" replies Mateo as he winks at Jenny

As soon as he utters those words, they could hear a loud throat clearing. Mateo raises his eyes to the source of it and froze as he eyes landed on Marc 'shit' he thought. If look could kill, he will be dead at this very instant. Though Marc face looks passive, but his eyes were shooting daggers at him. 'Well, I'll be damn' thought Mateo

Upon entering the kitchen, Marc had spotted Mateo before Jenny could. He watched the man as he works on a plate in front of him while giving out orders. Mateo was of Hispanic descend, he had shoulder length black hair, tan skin, black eyes, Greek nose, subtle lips, and a smile that would melt any woman heart. As he hears what he says to his Jenny he couldn't help the surge of anger that was threatening to burst out. He clears his throat loud enough for him to hear, and when his eyes saw him, Marc felt satisfied with the look of horror that crossed his face.

Playing it cool, Mateo straightened his shoulder and says "you brought a guest, I didn't realize"

Jenny study Mateo for a couple of seconds before turning toward Marc "Mateo this is Marc, but I am sure that I don't need to introduce the two of you, since you are both acquainted"

Her bluntness shocked both men's as they stare at her. Neither Marc nor Mateo knew what to say as Jenny continues "do not try to deny it, your little exchange was enough to confirm it" she turns toward Marc and stare at him as she crosses her arm.

Caught like a deer in a trap, Marc answers, "I have known him since our college days, you needed a chef and he needed the stability so..." Marc trail of as he couldn't find words to continue, for the first time, he was at lost for words.

Jenny couldn't believe it, yet she could. Since finding out Marc involvement in her affair earlier, little things she had missed started to resurface. She had her doubt about Mateo been sent by Marc, seen as Andrew was, but she had wanted to keep an open mind, but the small exchange she saw when Mateo gaze at Marc, confirmed it right away. Unfortunately, she couldn't deny the fact that he also chose a great chef for her. Turning toward Mateo "so how did he convince you to come work for me, or didn't he even have to?'

Now it was Mateo turn to clear his throat as he responds to Jenny "he didn't have to convince me; upon the first call I agree. I was curious about the woman who stole his breath and heart. You see here my friend, was never a lady men's. At one point of time, he feared them and would ran away whenever a female would approach him"

"Are serious?" asked a curious and intrigue Jenny

"Of course, Andrew, Julien and I would hide him away whenever one of the female classmates would ask about him. He uses to states that woman were scary creatures and that he didn't have the time nor the energy to try and understand him. We coaxed him to date, but none had held his attention. Yet, when he met you, his world turned upside down"

Jenny didn't know how to react to Mateo revelation. Through her peripheral vision she looks at Marc as many questions came to mind, she focuses her attention on Mateo and says "that would explain his lack of mannerisms, his failing to woe properly and his lack of romanticisms. Mateo, he has a lot to learn, doesn't he?"

Mateo burst out laughing and his burst attracted the attention of the others in the room as their curiously glance at them. "Gosh, Marc, I like her, Jenny did I tell you that I like you a lot"

"Be careful, Mateo of the angry bear behind me" Jenny pretended to whispers

"I wouldn't worry about him; he knows more how to roar then to bite"

"Happy to see the both of you laughing at my expense" says Marc as he warps his arms around Jenny and places his lips in her ears "be careful little lamb, I can show you how perfectly I can bite until you beg for more"

Jenny froze at Marc words as she felt a stream of desires flow into her systems at his words. She curses inside but said nothing.

Marc turned his gaze toward Mateo, and all traced of amusement were gone from Mateo face. A server chose that moment to address Mateo to which he welcomed the distraction. After he was done, he turns his attention back to the couple to see a frowning Jenny and Marc gaze on him. He raises an eyebrow toward his friend, to which Marc only smirked. Mateo knew Marc and knew that he wouldn't hear the end of it. One of the conditions that Marc had grilled into his head when he accepted the job was that he should never flirt with Jenny. But how could he not, the woman was pure and easy to get along with. He couldn't help it.

"So, Jenny, how about we stepped out now and greet our guest together" looking at Marc "you wouldn't mind letting me escort your beautiful fiancé, I promise I won't..."

Marc raised eyebrow stopped Mateo from continuing his sentence 'dude needs to chills' he thoughts. Raising his arms toward Jenny "my lady will you do me the honor"

Jenny looks into Marc eyes and saw a swirl of emotion into them and one particular emotion that has butterfly erupting within her stomach. She turns toward Mateo and holds onto his raises arms and says "lead the way"

Mateo looks to Marc and not only winks but smile as well, a gesture that was not miss my Jenny as she says "you're looking for trouble you know that"

"My dear, I was born a troublemaker"

"Don't come crying after"

"If I do, will you hold me on your laps"



Jenny laughs which in return had Mateo smiling. 'He is a lucky bastard, to think he found himself such jewel, even the sound of her laugh was a heavenly sound' though Mateo. As they arrive at the door, he held on strongly to Jenny hands and together their pushed open the door and the second their entered the room, a round of applause exploded. The sight was so moving that Mateo couldn't hold the tears that were threatening to fall. At that instant, he realized that all the hardship he had went through were more than worth it.

"you're, ok?"

He hears Jenny asks

"Yes, I just need a moment"

Seeing the tears, and without any thoughts, Jenny reaches out and wipes the tears away and smile at him.

Mateo took her hand in his and kisses it and smiles back at her.

Both had forgotten the presence of Marc behind them who was looking at them with astonishment.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2022 ⏰

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