Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

After the meeting with Julian, Andrew and his mother, Marc left the bank with a sole purpose on mind, tonight was the night he conquers his feisty woman. With the earlier event still brewing inside him, Marc felt upset with the fact that Alec found out everything, which destroys all of his earlier plan. Now, before it is too late he has to speed up the process.

Driving to his tailor, Marc recuperated the suit he had custom made for him. Then headed to his residence. Without wasting time, Marc headed to the shower and took his time as he wanted to wash the day away. After his shower, he combs his hair backward, spray his deodorant, took of the tower around his waist to put on his underwear. He picks up his suits, put on the pant first, then the shirt, tied up his tie then it was the costume. He puts on his black leather Italian made shoes, spray his one hundred dollar worth perfume over his body and looks at himself over the mirror. Satisfied, he walks over to the kitchen counter, takes his vehicle keys, an envelope and a small box and headed out.

He knew it was too early to head over to Jenny's, but the earlier he has this done, the better. After a couple of minutes of driving, he arrives at La Bella restaurant. As he steps out of the vehicle, people on the side walk stops to look at him, awe of the power and the elegance he radiated. Paying no attention to his surrounding, Marc walks to the main entrance door, opens it and steps in.

The moment that Marc steps into the restaurant, a complete quietness greeted him as all employees stop to look at him. Ninety-nine percent of the employees knew who he was, since they were his employees. However, none expected to see him this early.

A girl by the name of Jasmine approaches him "Mr. Bloomfield, what a surprise, how can we help you"

Looking around, Marc saw no sign of Jenny and wonders where could she be. He hears the female employee asking him how can they help him and he replies "Where's Jenny?"

"Ms. Jenny is in the kitchen; do you want me to get her for you?"

"No need, I'll head there myself" and just has he utters those words. Jenny comes out of the kitchen, head down as she read a paper in her hands. She calls out to someone, and a guy rushes out toward her, unaware of her visitor and the tension in the room, she gives out instructions about the bar to the guy who seems to be the bartender.

The oven that they had ordered had finally arrived this morning, which was a relief for Jenny as she watches them setting it up in the kitchen. Once she was satisfied with the placement of it, she takes the bar menu and walks out. She was reading the menu when she came out and calls out to Ed, the bartender "Ed, for the drinks tonight, I want you to serve the Rhum Barbancourt rhum as a special drink"

Ed had come rushing out to Jenny side the moment she called out to him, but he found himself unable to reply to her request as he felt frozen on the spot with the piecing look of Mr. Bloomfield. He gulps, it was not like he was scared, but at the moment everyone was wondering just one thing, Jenny's reaction upon seen Mr. Bloomfield standing dashingly in the middle of the room. They all knew of her not so fondness of their employer, however, for those who had worked with Marc for more than ten years, it was for the very first time they witnessed his open feeling for a woman, to the point of handing over his employees to her without her even knowing.

When Ed didn't reply to her, Jenny raises her head toward him, he was standing on her left side, as she looks at him, she sees him looking in front of her, she turns her head toward his directions and felt the air leaves her lungs. Right there in the middle of her restaurant, stood none other than Marc Bloomfield. He was dressed in an all-black suits with a red tie, his hair was slick back in a stylish yet sexy style, his suits perfectly suited him has it brought out his firm yet broad shoulder. The way it fitted him perfectly, would make any women dream of was under.

She continues her inspection of him, he wore a Rolex watch that's look to be really expensive and his leather shoes looks to be of high quality. Jenny couldn't deny that her heart skips a beat as she openly admires him. From where she stood, she could smell the softness yet strong scent of his perfume which made her wants to close her eyes and inhale. Lost in her inspection of him, she fails to see him approach her until he was standing right in front of her.

Marc was more than please with himself at seen Jenny reaction, he wasn't hoping for that, but the fact that it happened, brought an unexplained joy to his heart. She may try to deny it, but Jenny may have some attractions toward him. He walks toward her with a smirk plaster on his face. "Like what you see" whisper Marc seductively.

His questions brought Jenny back to reality and she almost stumbles backward as her legs suddenly felt weak. Marc was quick to hold on to her arms to steady her and that small contact left a burning touch in Jenny's arm. She removed her arm in his grip as she tries to steady her heartbeat, what in the world was wrong with her. She looks at him and hopes that her face was not betraying her, with a steady voice she says "Mr. Bloomfield, you are here early, opening is at eight"

"Am I not allow to see my fiancé before that?" asks Marc

Jenny frowns "this is not the place nor the moment for one of your antics and if that is the case, I am busy right now so you know where the door is"

Sighting internally "is there a place we can talk privately?"

Jenny looks up at Marc as she sights, was this guy for real, but the moment her eyes met his, she saw the seriousness there and all of sudden, she felt some sort of dreads. Not knowing why, the sudden nervousness, she hesitates to answer, she was tempted to tell him off, but the look he was giving her, tells her that she should not push his button. She nods and says "follow me"

Jenny led him to her office, which was located far behind the restaurant but close to the elevator that leads to her upstairs apartment. She opens the door and leads Marc inside. She walks over to her office, sat down and gesture for Marc to do the same.

"What did you want to talk to me about privately?"

Marc look at the woman, that has his heart going in disarray. What was it about her, that was making him crazy? If he were a werewolf, he would have concluded that she was his mate, but maybe she was his mate in this humanly world, he didn't know rather to frown or laugh at that thought. Not wanting to waste any more times, he pulls out the envelope from the inside of his suit pocket. He watches her as he pulls it out and the thought of her been his humanly mates he concludes that no matter what happens in that office in that moment, he won't leave until she agrees and accept to be his, opening night be damn.

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