Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Once Alec had left, Marc found himself stiffening as he waited for Jenny to lash out instead, she gave a side glance and says, "Alec has become an important person in my life, if you provoke him, you will have to deal with me, I sure hope you keep that in mind." After she said those words, she turns around and headed toward the elevator.

Marc felt goosebumps all over his body, he knew Jenny and she was far too calm and collected for his liking. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he felt a little scared. As he walks toward the elevator, he thought of Alec, he didn't particular like the guy but for Jenny's sake, he will have to tolerate him.

They went inside the elevator, and no one said a word until they arrived within the apartment. Once inside, Jenny headed straight in the kitchen. She needed a drink; she pulls out her bottle of wine with a glass from her cabinet and pour herself a cup. She was about drown all of it when a hand stops her.

Marc had followed Jenny to the kitchen with a frown on his face. He saw her pulling out a bottle of wine with a glass and made the movement to drink it. Without thinking he places his hand on top of hers and says, "I wouldn't do that if I were you?"

The look she sends toward Marc, would have made anyone fall back, but Marc was not having it "you have an opening in less than an hour, drinking this strong wine, will possibly have an undesired effect on you. You are not much of a drinker Jenny, that little alcohol will have you tipsy"

"Excuse me?"

Jenny watches as Marc took her glass of wine and pour the drink in the sink. Watching him pour the liquid into the sink broke the last string of restraint she had been holding on. Marc was asking for it and without thinking it over, she made a move but was abruptly stop by Marc who cornered her between the wall and himself. The movement was so fast that she hadn't realize when it happened.

That's the Jenny he knew, her fast reaction toward him, entice him as it threatens to let fire within out. If he didn't control his emotions, he just might do something he had wanted to do from the moment she had agrees to be his, or temporarily his. "I am going to warn you once Jenny, we are both adults, I know you are angry so as the adult we are, we will deal with it as such and if you can't control yourself, I will have you against this wall with my tongue deeply inside your vagina and my teeth on your clit as I pleasure you to oblivion. Your choice"

Jenny eyes widening at his declaration and was ready to call him bluff when she felt his hand slowing moving on her thigh and closing in on her private Looking into his eyes, she saw him daring her to do it, as if he wanted her to provoke him. She had no doubt he would follow on his threat and Jenny was mentally not ready for such act.

She needed to get her emotions back into control, she closes her eyes and counted to five, as she was counting, she felt his breath on her lips, and it sent a delicious yet dangerous shiver within her body. She felt the strong urge to just lean in and kiss those plump lips of is. Fearing her thought, she didn't open her eyes as she whispers "let go of me please"

Marc heard her whispers and smile; he may just know how to tame his wildcat. Regretfully he pulls away from her and steps back, giving her enough space to regain her composure.

No longer feeling Marc body against her, Jenny opens her eyes and stared straight at Marc. She wanted to explode but she had to keep it under control. Taking a deep breath and not moving from her position, she asked "why did you involved my restaurant into our affair?"

"As I had mentioned earlier, it was the only way for me to come close to you"

"Did it have to be in such a dishonorable way?"

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