Chapter 2

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 Chapter 2

Marc didn't know how he should react with had just transpired, he wanted to laugh, yet he was sure that was the wrong reaction to portray. For the very first time in his entire life, a woman refuted him and refuted him with violence. He was a well-known bachelor, ladies' favorite, woman will give about anything to be with him. He was very picky, thus the reason why he had no woman in his life. He didn't have time nor the energy to deal with them. Yet, he just committed the very first thing he always tells himself not to do. He acted recklessly and his actions has him sitting behind an ambulance with him holding a pack of ice on his forehead.

He could imagine the social media at the moment, tomorrow was going to be a long day. He looks toward the woman that had brutally put him in his place as she was been question by the police. He remembers the softness of her lips against his and how he reacted to her closeness. Anyone on their right mind, would do what was needed to be done for the aggression. Especially him, for the person he was, but it was the very first time someone had pushed him away. Of course, he could tell she didn't know his identity and he wanted to see her expression when she founds out.

He gets down from the ambulance and walks toward her. The man in uniform seen him approaching, turns toward him "Sir, we are about to head over to the police station for the legal follow up. We will need you to come with us for your deposition and if you do want to hold charges against Miss. Jenny Sully"

So her name was Jenny, interesting, thought Marc and to his amazement, she didn't even turn around to acknowledge his presence, she stood staring straight ahead with the only movement been her shoulder tensing. "Yes I do believe I will be accompanying you to the police station, unfortunately, I didn't come with my vehicle, can I get a ride with you officers Stevens and from the police station I will call my driver to pick up"

"No problem Mr. Bloomfield, please get in. Miss. Sully, you will be riding in the other police car" as he says so, another police came and took Jenny away.

Disappointed yes, he was looking forward to riding in the same vehicle with her. By the time, they made it to the police station, a group of journalist had gather and was waiting for his arrival. Marc seen the officer taking a deep breath "Sorry, guess news travel fast" he says

"You can say that again" responded Stevens

He gets down from the vehicle at the same time Jenny did from hers, she hid her face from the camera as the officers led her inside. Marc was soon to follow and once inside, he was greeted by his longtime friend Captain James.

"Heard you got yourself served and by a woman"

"You must have heard wrong for I have no idea what you're talking about"

James laughs as he taps his friend on the shoulder "come to my office, for I sure want to hear all the details of your adventure"

Marc invisibly slapped his forehead as he follows James in office, his friends were going to hold that on him for sure.

When Jenny entered the police station, she was guided to sit on a bench and wait for someone to come get her. She had seen the commotion outside and how the journalist had covered her and the handsome man, not to mention, the interaction she had just witnessed between the man and a police officer. She appears calm but was a wrecked inside. She needed to use the bathroom and just as she gets up to ask the front desk police officer, her eyes landed on the TV monitor. There, on the screen was a woman dress in red, but what caught her attention was the title "CEO Marc Bloomfield harass by a crazy woman"

'Marc Bloomfield' why was the name familiar, she thoughts and then it hit her, Marc Bloomfield was the owner and CEO of the Bloom companies that had invested in almost everything. That very morning before she quits, her ex-patron was to meet with Bloomfield to negotiate Arlinc extension by joining Bloom. Suddenly her legs felt limps and she needed to sit down to process the day. She quits her jobs before the meeting started thus she didn't have time to meet Bloomfield and coincidentally he bumps into her in a local store, stole her first kiss and was assaulted by her for doing so and now she was in a police station awaiting her sentence. Couldn't this day get any worse, she thoughts. Bloomfield was well-known over the world with his many companies installed in so many places. No wonder there was so much journalist outside.

She looks toward the TV monitor again to see the video of what had transpired earlier been played. She cringes, she was like a mad gorilla going on a rampage. She heard laughter and people staring at her. 'Gosh could this day get any worse'

Marc sat down in James office and had to endured not only James laughing at him, but also his brother Julian who had rushed to the police station the moment he heard what happened. As he retells the story and with the video been played on the TV, Marc knew he was not going to hear the end of it.

As the laughter dies down, Julian asks "so what are you going to"

"I am not going to sue her if that is what you're thinking, I am already at faults, doing so will be injustice"

"On that we totally agree" says James

"So what took you to act so"

Taking a deep breath "I don't know, the negotiation with Arlinc group didn't go well, Peter Dinckly came about three hours late and the excuse was his assistant had quit a few minutes before the meeting started, and apparently had been the knowledgeable one. I felt like I wasted my whole morning and to top it all mother called to propose a potential daughter in law. So, needing time to myself, I walk into the store to grab a pack of beers and collided into the woman you see in that video and without thinking I kissed her. So that's my story"

"Well, you are all over the media now" says James

"I am not the only one, I have just made her a target"

"Yes, a target for your crazy fan, indeed" responded Julian.

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