Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"You didn't have to do that," says Jenny as she and Alec arrives in front of his apartment

"What did I do" answers innocently Alec

"Don't play dumb with me, Alec, you were purposely provoking Andrew down there"

"Not my fault, he acted as he owns you and from the little, I know of you, you owe no one, so I am surprised that you're letting the Bloomfield's walk all over you"

"I am not letting them" responded Jenny angrily

As he was dropping his travel bag within the living room, Alec turns around, to look at Jenny and saw her expression. She was angry all right and daggers were shooting out of her eyes. If he were to judge from her reaction, he would conclude that Jenny had nothing to do with the Bloomfield. However, Marc's declaration was not to be taken lightly. "Mind telling me, what's going on Jenny, especially with Marc Bloomfield?"

Jenny froze at Alec's questions. She looks at him and felt like swallowing her saliva. She was a twenty-six years' old woman who had never let herself be intimidated by anyone, well except by one woman, but that would be a story for another time. Now, under Alec's gaze, she felt like a child who had done something she wasn't supposed to do. It was true, she had recently met Alec, but for some reason, she felt a closeness to him that was unexplainable. She had been reluctant at first, but Alec's insistence had broken through her barrier and for the past month, he had become very dear to her to the point where she saw him as a father figure. So, why did she not tell him about Marc?

Alec watches Jenny as he sees the battle brewing between her eyes, he walks toward her, lays his hand on her shoulder, she tenses at first but relax as she gazes at him like a lost child "you look like you are in need of a chocolate, let's go to the kitchen and see what we can find, and you can tell me all about this battle brewing within you"

He smiles was warmth and his touch was light as he led her to the kitchen. Jenny, never experiencing this sort of feeling felt like pouring out every single tear in her body. She had been so lonely for so long and never having friends, always watching out for herself and always solving her problems on her owns that this sense of joy spreading through her felt truly foreign.

Alec sat her down on the kitchen chairs and went about preparing the hot chocolate with Jenny following his every movement. A couple of minutes later, with two cups of hot chocolate in front of them, Alec say "start from the beginning"

Taking a deep breath, Jenny recounted her meeting with Marc's and half an hour later, with her cup been nearly empty "I don't understand what he wants, I mean I have insulted him at every occasion and worse I have fought with him throwing thing his way like a madwoman, yet he still persists. I know he is not after me because of my beauty, because come on, with all the beautiful girls he has met, I am probably the least beautiful. Also, I am not sexy, like Victoria's Secret model. I am more on the curvier side, yes I work out but that's to keep myself healthy and all. I have nothing of importance on my name, well except this building that I graceful thank GOD for showing me the way to owning it. Other than that, I am just nobody with nothing. What could he possibly want with me, if it isn't for him to have fun with?"

Alec was horror-stricken with Jenny's declaration. Truly the girl was blind, like truly blind. This was more than he bargains for but not hard to handle he hopes. He takes his cup, took a long swallow, let the warms of the drink spread within his body, put down his cup, and took Jenny's hands in his and "The next time I hear you say those things about yourself, I will spank you till you're behind turn red. Don't you ever and I mean ever lower yourself for no one; you are who you are because it was intended so. Whoever says otherwise can go to hell"

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