Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Leaning against the door, Jenny tries to control her racing heart. She felt hot and the pressure on her clit was not helping her. She touches her still trembling lips, it was as if she could still feel his lips on hers. Shaking her head, she quickly undresses and step into the shower. She tries her hardest not to think of the sexy beast that was in her living room. Wait did she say sexy beast? She groans as she whispers GOD help me

After her shower, she dries herself, puts on her lacey black underwear and bras. Put on her lotion and proceeded to comb her hair to which she did to do a high classic fashion pony which brought out her feature. She puts on her make-up then took her evening formal black mermaid, sleeveless dress. As she puts it on, and reaches for the back zipper, she realized that she could not reach it. She fought all her might, but she couldnt zip it. Huffing, she thought of asking for help, however, she didnt want to call on Marc, but then again, he was the only person present. Was the universe going against her? Admitting and swallowing her pride, she calls out to Marc.

Marc kept glancing at Jenny door as it felt like she had been in there for forever, though, it had only been for thirty minutes. After pacing around her apartment and deciding to sit on the couch, he heard her calling out his name. Bouncing off the couch, he quickly walks toward her door and placed his hand on the handler, but common sense told him that he had to knock. Maybe she didnt call him and that it was just in his head.

He knocks and next he knew the door opened to reveal Jenny in a beautiful evening sleeveless mermaid dress. His mouth almost drops, as he looks at her. Standing in front of him was a woman of glamour. The dress fitted her perfectly as it accentuated her curve. Her hairdo brought out her feature starting from her eyes to her lips. The woman was simply beautiful, there was no doubt about it. She was the definition of sexiness and every aspect of her were calling out to him.

When Jenny heard the knock, she opens the door and sees Marc standing there. She was about to ask him to help her zip her dress when she saw the shift in his look. His face went from shock, to bewilderment, to appreciation and to something she could not quite describe as he looks her up and down. His mouth was open as he openly devours her with his eyes. Jenny felt please as she sees his expression. It was not something she was expecting but it gave her this sense of empowerment. Putting her right hand on her hips while her left held the door, she smirked and says, like what you see?

Marc eyes snapped to hers and saw a sexy vixen looking at him as they stare at each other, the tension in the room started to shift to something quite dangerous.

Jenny watches as Marc expression became dark as he takes a step into her room and stood directly in front of her. Her heart rate had risen as she stares at Marc.

Marc watched Jenny as he stood right in front her, she was bold and was surprising him every day. He leans toward her and says dont play with fire, my dear kitten, youll get burned. Dont start a fire, if you cant handle the flame. Tempt me again and I promise you that we will be very late to your premiere

Who says that I cant handle the flame says Jenny suddenly

Jenny eyes widen at the same time with Marc as she realizes what she had just said. What in the world had gotten into her? She quickly turns around to hide her embarrassment and says can you zip my dress, please

Hearing her says what she said did something unexplainable to Marc, if he didnt control himself this woman would be the cause of his early death. His heart had stopped beating for a moment and when she abruptly turned, he understood why she had called out to him.

He takes one step closer to her, lean his head on her neck and breathe in her scent as he zips her dress. He could see the rapid rise of her breast as she breathes in and out. He smiles to himself. As he was done zipping her dress, he didnt move from his position. He places both hand on her shoulder and touches her neck with his lips. He heard her small moans and felt please. He moves his lips toward her ears, leaving a trail of goosebump on her skin and whispers be careful, sexy kitten then reluctantly moves back.

He steps out of her room and walked toward her kitchen. He regretted throwing out her body of wine for in this very month a strong drink was what he needed. Never in his entire life, had a woman tempt him the way Jenny was tempting him. As much as he was enjoying it, it was also torture. With Jenny, there could be no mistake, he wanted her willing and at least a bit in love with him. He knew he was a dick, but no one would be able to understand what this woman did to his heart. He takes a cup and pour himself cold water, maybe that will quench a little the fire that was inside him.

After Marc, had stepped out of her room, Jenny felt her body relaxing a bit. This was crazy, way too crazy for her liking. She was indeed playing with fire, but somehow, she found herself wanting to play with that fire. She always knew she had a wicked side, one she kept pretty much lock up all her life. She had a thirst for the erotic, having read romantic and erotic books from the age of sixteen, her imagination had always been on the wild side. But she had always managed to keep it at bay. However, with Marc arrival, that unexplored side of her was threatening to come out.

Taking a deep breath, she did the final touch and put on her rhinestone stiletto heels. Look at herself in the mirror and headed out. She had thought of taking a purse, but it may inconvenience her. Taking her phone, she walks into her living room but didnt see Marc. Hearing noises in the kitchen, she walks over there. Seeing Marc leaning against the counter with his head lowered, she walks over to him and taps him on the shoulder. He turns around and simply stared at her with a look that says more than it should. For the second time this evening, she felt empowered. She closes the distance between them, opened his suit and placed her phone right inside of his suit pocket.

When Marc felt the tap on his shoulder, Marc turned around and for the second time tonight was blown away by Jenny beauty. Damn, this woman was beautiful. As he stares at her, he watches as she comes closer to him and open his suit. He held his breath, not knowing what to expect. He saw her place her phone in his inside pocket and lean really close to him. He could feel her breath on his lips as she looks at him. Her eyes had this look of wickedness, and he found himself been drawn, as if she was sucking him in. She smiles and says keep my phone safe, will you

What do I get in return for it he whispers

She simply smiles but said nothing and moved away from him. He releases the breath he had been holding in and watches as she opens the door. She turns around and looked at him with a raised eyebrow are you coming or do you need a minute to get your bearing

Marc took a minute to look at the woman who was completely transformed. She went from being wildcat to a sexy vixen, if that made sense. He had to be careful, or this woman will make him do things he had been trying to control. Moving away from the counter, he followed her through the elevator. No one said a word, as the elevator descended to the first floor. When the door opened, they stepped out and were heading toward the kitchen when Marc pulls Jenny toward him and crashes his mouth on hers.

Jenny had no idea where her confidence was coming from, but she was loving it. She needed to put into practice everything she had read for the past decades; and what better way to practice then on Marc. He asked for it anyway. As she was heading toward the kitchen, she felt herself been pulled and next she knows, Marc lips were on hers. His kiss was brutal yet sweet, she could feel the passion behind it and so much more. She places her hand behind his neck and held on for dear life as she could feel her legs weakened.

Second later Marc slowly pulls away and touched her forehead with his as both tried to calm their breathing, their eyes never leaving each other. You dont know what you are doing to me, Jen, if only you knew, you will not tempt me. I dont want to lose control; I respect you too much for that. I want you, but I want to do right. But youre such a temptress, I dont know how much longer Ill be able to keep a leash on my restraint

Was she please, yes she was please and her heart softened; Instead of answering him, she places a kiss on his cheek and slowly moves away; four step away from him, she stopped and half turned toward him and says "you might want to handle that, I will hate to see the journalist taking a picture of the other you standing at attention like that, so... you know where my office is" she winks and left.

Marc leans against the wall and simply laughs and says Oh GOD help me

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