Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Early in the morning, Alec knocks on Jenny's door, he hears her saying it's open. He opens the door to find Jenny sitting on the couch with her laptop on her laps and typing away.

"Did you have breakfast?"

"Not yet"

"How about some bacons and eggs?"

"I would love too, but can I ask you for a service, I'll probably won't have the time to head over there myself"

"What would you like for me to do"

"I won't have time to recuperate my dress at the tailors, can you do it for me?" asks Jenny

"Of course, you know I'll have no problem doing so"

"Thank you so much Alec"

"Now, put this laptop away and come eat your breakfast"

After breakfast, Alec took his car keys, and headed to the tailors as Jenny had asked. He wonders what kind of dress she would be wearing tonight. She had been keeping it a secret from the both of them. But he will be the first to find out, and that made him smile.

After twenty minutes' drive, Alec arrives at the tailors. He goes inside and gives out the receipts that Jenny had given him. Without any words, the female employee took the receipts and goes through a door. Minutes later she comes out with two costumes and hands them over.

"Excuse, I don't think that's my order"

"Are you Mr. Alec?"

"Yes, I am"

"Then it belongs to you, there's a note attached to it, I believe you should read it" says the female employee.

Alec took the costumes from her hands and the attached note. Opening the folded paper, he read "Dear Alec, words are not enough for me to thank you for all you have done, in this short time, that we have known each other, you have become the father that have never had. So, as a token of my love, please accept this handmade costume that I wish for you to wear tonight. If you are wondering about the size, I have to confess that the missing costume that you thought you had forgotten in the countryside was actually stolen by me. Hope you like it. Also, the other one is for Andrew, can you please deliver it to him. Love Jenny"

Unable to stand, Alec quickly sat down on the couch as he reread the note over. He felt something in his heart that he hadn't felt since after the death of his wife. Now more than ever, he wished she was alive, she would have love Jenny. For Jenny to consider him as a father figure was the best gift he could ever receive. Taking a deep breath, he tries to calm his racing heart. Once he felt it back to its normal beating rate, he gets up from the couch, leaves the tailors shops and proceeded to A&B Corporation where Andrew works.

After a couple of minutes drives, Alec arrives at his destinations. Taking Andrew's costume, he left the vehicle and proceeds inside of the bank. Alec enters the building and went over to the receptionist "Good morning Ma'am"

"Good morning, Sir, how may I help you?"

"I am looking for Mr. Andrew Colton, I was told that his office was within this vicinity, is he in?"

"Did you say, Andrew Colton, this name doesn't sound quite familiar, wait let me check on our staff list"

As the woman check, Alec found it quite perplexed and wonders if the woman was new. Alec frowns as the woman picks up the interphone, dial a number and says "Hey Mary, do we by any chance have someone called Andrew Colton working here, I am searching via the staff list and I can't seem to find his name"

Now that wasn't quite right. Alec waited for the woman who seems to be intently listening to whoever was on the other side of the phone. She hangs up the phone with a frown on her face "I am sorry Sir; it doesn't seem like we have an Andrew Colton on our staffs"

"Are you sure about that, I mean this is indeed A&B corporation?"

"Positive Sir"

"So, how come you don't know Andrew Colton, I couldn't be mistaken. Let me try to call him"

"Sir, you can't use the phone inside of the bank you will need to step you, please "and just as she utters those words, Alec hears his name been called. He quickly turns around to find himself face to face Andrew and on the right side of him was another man that he didn't recognize.

"Alec what a surprise, what are you doing here?" asked Andrew

"There you are, I almost had a heart attack thinking I had the wrong establishment, since the receptionist didn't recognize your name"

As if on cue the receptionist interrupted their little face to face as she addresses Andrew "Ah Mr. Bloomfield, the letter from the children's hospital has just arrived."

"Mr. Bloom-Bloomfield? Repeated Alec 

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