Beyond A Promise: Part Four

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Alex's P.O.V

With wide eyes, I felt myself freeze on the spot. There, surrounded by all of our friends, was Thorin Oakenshield. He was grinning at whatever joke his youngest nephew had cracked, seeming so much brighter and full of life then what he had for the past few months. Colour had returned to his cheeks. He looked to have washed and changed his clothes. His hair appeared to have been brushed and tamed, his braids redone. Visually, he looked just like he did back when the company and I had first met, beginning the journey to take back their long lost home. But due to the last three months, I knew all too well that looks could be deceiving; the memory of the wall incident came to mind, followed by all the vile words he had yelled and spat at me. Continuing to watch as the Company were merry together, Fili managed to notice me from across the large room; he waved over to me with a huge and joy filled smile, calling out my name. This, in turn, caught the attention of the rest of the group, their reactions all being somewhat the same as they called for me to join them. "Look who's finally back to his senses!" Bombur called out jokingly, earning laughter and chuckles from his fellow dwarf friends; I couldn't find it in me to force a laugh of my own, nor a smile as my eyes remained on the seemingly sound-minded king. Thorin's eyes had quickly found mine, a look of relief and happiness falling upon his features as a gentle smile formed. Oh, how apart of me wished to just rush forward and embrace him. To tell him how much I had missed him during these difficult months. But every time I felt myself being to make a move to do so, that very same part of me that had originally froze me to the spot stopped me. Even though Thorin was right there, smiling at me in way I could have only ever dreamed of, my mind refused to allow me that moment as the images of the same dwarf's angry and hate filled face flashed before my eyes. What happened on the top of the wall played in my head, reminding me of how close I was to death at the hands of the very same person. Upon seeing my hesitation, Thorin began to take a step in my direction. A small sense of panic began to rise within me and, in that very moment, I caught the eye of Balin. Both he and his brother, unlike the rest who were now somewhat confused as to why I hadn't rushed forward at the first sight of their king, appeared to understand my hesitation and nodded, silently telling me to do whatever it is I needed to do.

Thorin's P.O.V

While I was somewhat confused as to why Alex remained still and in place, I continued to step towards her when I noticed the young woman begin to shake her head; I halted my movement, growing even more confused and somewhat worried as I stared at my dear friend. "I...I can't" she whispered, yet it was loud enough for the rest of the company to hear. Most of them shared looks of confusion while I watched her take a step of her own, yet it was away from the group "I'm sorry, but...but I can't!" her voice rose only slightly, exclaiming the last part of her statement before she turned on her heels and ran out of the room. I couldn't deny that such an action hurt to witness. Why wasn't Alex happy to see me? I...I thought she would be. Kili had told me how I had been locked up for the past three months due to being consumed by the gold sickness and, though it was blurry, I do have some memory of calling the young woman some terrible names, but I knew that alone would force Alex to leave like that. A twinge of fear began to grip me as I turned to my friends; my eyes landed on my old friend as I noticed he appeared to have expected such a reaction. "Why...why did she run away from me?" I questioned, knowing Balin most certainly had the answer; he let out a deep sigh "try not to take it personally, laddie" he encourages, though it didn't do much to ease my concern. Motioning for the company to take a seat at a near by table, they all did so without question; I could tell the rest of the group were beginning to catch onto whatever Balin was about to explain, yet there were still hints of confusion. This didn't help my own feelings as all. "You see, laddie, the past three months have been difficult for all of us, but for Alex...I'd say she's had the most to deal with" the elder dwarf began, earning a multiple of nods of agreements from the others; I listened carefully, curious as to what I was being told. While Balin was the main "storyteller", the others certainly chipped in to add to the explanation. They told me how Alex had taken charge of restoring Erebor, making all of the decisions with the company's advice, input and guidance; they were keen to tell me how she had arranged all of the trade deals and peace treaties with all of the surrounding kingdoms and fellow dwarf clans - she had even managed to arrange such a think with Lord Elrond and King Thranduil! In addition to that, the mountain had been rebuilt in places that were destroyed due to Smaug, thoroughly cleaned through out and now, the mountain was ready to begin running as it once did. I was consumed with joy to hear such things! I recalled the conversation I had had with our dear human friend long before we had reached Erebor, making the serious request while explaining all about the gold sickness; it was more than clear Alex had stuck to her promise like I knew she would, as well as the other promise that I wasn't too sure she would be able to keep due to my past of witnessing gold sickness with other family members.

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