Beyond a Promise: Part Two

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Imagine: Thorin tells Alex about the gold sickness and his families history relating to it, asking her to protect Erebor from from both him and it if he became affected. What happens when he does fall for the sickness?? How will Alex take charge and handle everything in order to keep her promise??

Alex's P.O.V

Originally, I had thought handling the large fire breathing dragon, Smaug, was going to be the most difficult part of the entire quest. Little did I know, I was going to soon discover that I had never been so wrong. Let me explain. After reclaiming Erebor from the hot clutches of Smaug, the Company had spent the last two days with the people of Lake town in order to help and aid them with those who had been harmed or devistatingly killed during the dragons rampage. During this time, however, I noticed that Thorin was nowhere to be seen and asked around for him, only to find no such luck until Dwalin mentioned that he had noticed their leader walk in the direction of the mountain less a few hours ago. I had wanted to check in with him to make sure he didn't need any of his minor wounds cleaned or rebandaged. Hurrying to follow the set out path towards Erebor, I arrived within fifteen minutes and entered through the grand entrance that still amazed me. Not wasting anytime in admiring the sights, I rushed to begin my search for Thorin, calling out his name as he checked all of the open hallways; there were a few restrictions as to where I could go as a lot of the mountain was blocked off by fallen walls and ceilings. All of a sudden, the sound of a multiple of small metalic objects being moved could be heard coming from below the floor I was standing on; I froze, the feeling increasing even more, before I hesitantly approached the side of the platform, glancing down to where I knew the impressive collection of gold was stored. My eyes finally landed on the missing dwarf and I let out a sigh of relief - at least he wasn't passed out from blood loss or something worse. Before I could speak up to catch his attention, I stopped myself and silently watched in confusion as the dwarf stared at the gold that he technically owned, picking some of the coins up and letting them slowly fall inbetween his fingers. It was as if he was a broken record, repeating the action over and over again. I then realised that there was no way, with how loud I was yelling, that Thorin hadn't heard my yells. It was as if he was in some sort of trance, his focus remaining on the gold before him. Taking a closer look as Thorin turned and unknowingly granted me the sight to his handsome face, it was his eyes that caught my attention; they weren't the beautiful deep blue that I had grown to love, but were somewhat dull and glossed over. As if he drunk. Yet his tall and straight posture told me different. It was then that the conversation that both the company's leader and myself shared forced its way to the front of my mind, replying itself as it reminded me of all Thorin had revealed about the gold sickness. "Oh god" I whispered to myself, my eyes wide as I stared at the dwarf below while covering my mouth in horror.

"I was afraid of this" a voice suddenly spoke from behind me, startling me as I turned to find Balin standing a few feet away in the darkness; it appeared he had followed me, his own worry growing for a hole different reason. "The gold sickness??" I questioned, earning both a sigh and nod from the elder dwarf who explained how he had hoped that it would take longer for Thorin to become effected "but it appeared the damn sickness has already begun to corrupt his mind" he shook his head in disappointment before returning my gaze with a look of confusion. "How do you know of the gold sickness??" Balin questioned with a raised brow; I folded my arms across my chest as I explained how Thorin himself had told me all about the 'Durin curse' and had asked me a favour two weeks ago; I turned away from the dwarf, staring down to the rightful king as he continued to stare off at the  "I...I promised him that I'd protect both Erebor and its people from both himself and the sickness" I hesitantly revealed. As I was looking away, I had missed the look of shock form on Balin's face, yet I heard it staining his voice as he managed to form a sentence "well....if that's what he wanted" he accepted. Feeling a hand gently rest on my shoulder, I turned and came face to face with the kind elder dwarf "I...I thought we'd have more time" I mumbled, only just audible to my friend as he showed an expression of understanding "we've been here for less than two days!!". Wrapping his arms around my back as he rubbed my arms in an act of comfort, Balin began to lead me away from the edge of the platform and guided me back towards the entrance of the mountain; it was there that we noticed the rest of the company making their way into their newly reclaimed home, grinning and joking with one another. That was until they took note of the worried expression that I had attempted to hide with a forced yet friendly smile, asking why they were back so soon while the rest of Lake Town began the celebrations over the demise of Smaug; Bofur ignored my question, however, as he asked one of his own "what's the matter, lass??". Glancing to my side to find Balin returning my knowing gaze, we both realised that there was no use in lying or changing the subject; they had a right to know, especially the Durin brothers. " it our uncle??" Kili asked, knowing I had been searching for him not too long ago back in the neighbouring town before returning to Erebor. With more hesitation than I had wanted, I nodded "is he injuried?!" Nori questioned before I could speak; I reassured the group that their king had no wounds from Smaug's attack before taking a deep breath " appeared Thorin has begun to show the effects of...of gold sickness" I finally revealed.

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