Cultural Misunderstanding: Bruises

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Imagine: dwarves don't bruise easily due to their thick skin. And if they do, it means they are experiencing grave interal damage that just might be the end of them. So what happens when they notice that Alex, a young female human, is covered in them??

Alex's P.O.V

Another long and rough day was coming to an end as Thorin finally called for the company to come to a halt as the sun had an hour till it would set and gave out the usual evening jobs. Bofur and Bifur were to collect some wood and get a fire started. Bombur was tasked with preparing and cooking their dinner with the assistance of Bilbo. Gloin, Nori and Kili were sent to hunt something for the largest dwarf to cook while Dori and Balin were to find and collect any berries, fruits and/or herbs that could go into whatever Bombur was going to cook. Ori and Dwalin were to look through all of our supplies - medical, food, gold coins, etc - and make a list of anything they might need as we were a few hours away from the next town where we would be able to buy and restock. Gandalf, being the myserious wizard that he was, had told the group that he would meet them at the next town that they were to pass through on their journey; he refused to explain where he was going or for what reason, merely taking off before Thorin could question him further. Everyone else was told to sort out their bedrolls and weapons. Our leader, however, turned towards me before I could do so as he asked me to refill everyone's water canteens; I was more than happy to, wanting to feel helpful, and collected everyone's canteens before making my way down towards the river that we had passed nearly ten minutes ago. Upon reaching the bank, I crouched down and couldn't stop myself from letting out a pained groan; my body ached from all of the fighting it had done, especially as it had taken more than a few blows from blood thirsty orcs. I had, while trying to protect a terrified Bilbo, been shouldered in the chest, pushed into a tree trunk and hit in the ribs just that day. Taking a few deep breaths as the achiness slowly faded, I resumed my task and filled all sixteen canteens, tightly closing the lids once they were full; the water merely needed to be boiled so that it was safe to drink from any bacteria or diseases. Forcing myself back in the standing position, I bit back the pained moan as I began to make my way back towards the camp, walking through the wooden area until I reached the tree line that greeted the already mostly made camp. The fire was lit, bedrolls were placed around the cleared space and all of the dwarves and hobbits - beside Gloin, Nori, Kili, Dori and Balin who were still out searching for food - were sat around the camp, either cleaning and sharpening their weapons, talking to others or grooming their beards. Kneeling beside the roaring fire, I began to pour all of the collected water into the large pot and placed it over the fire; I returned to my feet where I returned to my own belongings, thanking Fili who had kindly lay out my bedroll and left my bag beside it.

"You alright, lass??" Dwalin called out, having watched me let out a few deep breaths and pull a multiple of pained expressions - he wasn't the only one; I sent the dwarf a kind smile, reassuring him and the others who had turned their attention towards me that I was fine "just a little sore" I added. Accepting my answer, the topic changed to nothing of great importance; the group merely rested as they waited for the others to return with their food, talking about whatever came to mind. I, however, lay back on my bedroll and allowed myself a moment of peace as the tenderness in my body eased as I remained still. If, within the next ten minutes, the dull pain didn't fade to nothing, I'll have to ask Ori if he had anything to help.

Thorin's P.O.V

Finally, after fifteen minutes since Alex had left the drinking water to boil, the hunting party was back, as well as Balin and Dor; it appeared both groups had found each other and returned together, walking into the arranged camp with pride as they carried either a bag of berries, herbs and oranges, as well as the dead, skinned and gutted wild boar that Kili and Gloin were both holding. They were praised for their finds as it was all handed over to Bombur and Bilbo, both instantly diving into cutting up the meat and dicing up the herbs and berries, throwing it all together; the oranges, however, were packed for our continuing journey. As the company resumed our relaxation and peacefullness, I glanced around to double check that everyone - other than the damn wizard - were present; I was relieved to learn that all thirteen dwarves, one hobbit and one human were there, enjoying the moment. Alex, however, caught my attention as she pushed herself up from her bedroll and returned to her feet, pulling the same pained expression that had concerned Dwalin; I remained silent as I watched her move across the camp, sending a polite smile to anyone she glanced to, before stopping in front of Ori. The two shared friendly greetings before the human could be heard asking if he had anything she could take for pain; this alarmed both the young dwarf and myself, along with a few others who had happened to also overhear her request. "Are you injured?!" Ori questioned, his voice replicating how they were all feeling, only for the twenty five year old to shake her head "not at all, I assure you" she smiled, adding how she was "merely sore from all the fighting we've been through". Feeling only slightly relieved, the young dwarf put down his pencil and parchment and rummaged through his bag, soon pulling out a vial of a green liquid which he told her to drink "whatever pain you're in should ease substantially within an hour" he explained. Thanking her friend, Max took the vial and popped off the lid, downing the green substance right then and there before pulling a face that could only resemble that of a dying cat; the entire group, now having allowed their eyes to fall upon our human friend, couldn't contain their laughter while some sent her a look of sympathy. "What in odins name is in that?!" Alex exclaimed as she handed the empty vial back to its owner, seemingly forcing herself to keep the medicine down as she thankfully took the offered drink from Bofur "careful lass, it isn't water that is in that canteen" he warned. Of course he would carry ale with him, even on this quest. Taking merely a swig of the beverage before swishing it around her mouth before swallowing, Alex handed the small canteen back "ale is nothing compared to that stuff" she stated, chuckling at how ridiculous her reaction must have been "but if it'll help my aching body, I'll sacrifice my taste buds" she joked.

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