The First Time I Saved His Life

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Merlin's POV:

"Merlin I was going to have you work at the banquet with me, but you deserve a night off." Gaius said to me as we were eating dinner.

"Wait really!" I answer with excitement. I have never been to a banquet before. I always wondered what would it be like. The dancing, all the food, royals and nobles all dressed in their finest clothes. It was everything I had ever dreamed.

"I have something for you to wear to the banquet, so you don't look like you just came out of a pigsty" Gaius interrupts me from my thoughts. I glare at him and he lets out a low chuckle.

"Will this make me look like a cabbage head?" I interrogate. I was not going to look like a fool in front of the nobles. Gaius shakes is head and walks over to a trunk and pulls out some clothes.

 (It looks like this without the sword and the sword cover)

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(It looks like this without the sword and the sword cover)

He hands me the clothes and I rush to my room to put them on. I look at myself in the mirror that Gaius has in his room and I gasp. I look really good, like REALLY REALLY good. It was comfortable as well.

"Gaius thank you! It looks really good thank you." I half yell at him. He chuckles,

"Merlin it's no problem, I had that laying around." I nod and we both make our way to the banquet.

Arthur's POV:
I was messing around with my knights and Leon at the banquet. This was so god damn boring I could shoot myself with a cross bow. I look around at all the guests one more time when I see Gaius walking in the hall followed closely by Merlin. I did a double take when I saw him. The jet black trousers fit perfectly on him, the belt wrapped around his waist tightly showing off his unusually large hips. Not that I was complaining to anything. He was still skinny but his hips were bigger then most men. The only thing I didn't like was his collar, it was up around him so I couldn't see his pale neck. I wondered what he was doing here for a brief second but then I realized he was here with Gaius. Then the doors opened to revel my beautifully dressed sister. I smiled at the red dress she was wearing with her crown wrapped around her forehead. Gwen followed closely behind her looking very red. I smirked as she hurried over to Merlin looking him up and down and asked him a question.

"Hello brother" Morgana's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Hello Morgana" I say. All my knights stare at her up and down except for Leon. I glared at them and they moved away. Leon said goodbye to me and walked over to one of the other knights.

"I see you starring at Merlin" Morgana says. I look at her with surprise. "Don't make it so obvious, he will catch you looking at him." She points out. I sigh and take one more glance at Merlin who was now laughing with Gwen and then turn to Morgana.

"Let's go sit by father, if I can't stare at Merlin at least I can go get ready for Lady Hellen." I say a bit annoyed. I could stare at Merlin forever, his sky blue eyes and his raven hair. I smile at the thought as I sit in my chair next to my father. I stare at Merlin as he crossed the room, a couple of my knights ogling him. I scowl at them. How dare they looking at my Merlin like that! I look back at Merlin who was now by me talking to a servant girl. Suddenly I have an idea.

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