Gwen is a Baby?

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Morgana POV:

We are currently heading down towards a dragon. YES A DRAGON! How did it come to this? You probably are wondering what I mean. Well let me start from the beginning.

It was a warm April morning. The sun was shining and the trees were moving in the wind. Gwen and I decided we would go hunting with Arthur and the knights. My father tried to stop us from going but I insisted. So on that sunny morning we saddled up our horses and off we went into the woods.

"Okay I want no one to make any sudden movements." Arthur said once we got into the forest. The sun made his blonde hair shin in the light and I caught Merlin staring. I'll have to admit this was a good day to go hunting.

"Do you think they will let us help?" Gwen asked me once we were far enough back.

"I don't know, they probably won't." I gave her a sad smile. Arthur thinks that we can't handle ourselves. I could easily kick his ass if I wanted too.

"Morgana, Gwen are you coming? We have a lot of ground to cover." Arthur's voice called out. We both started heading over to the prince with annoyed expressions. "Okay Sir Leon and Sir Kay will go that way." Arthur said pointing towards the mountain trail. "And Merlin, Gwen, and Morgana will come with me. Any questions?" We all shook our head and started to head off. I was surprised Arthur didn't have at least one other knight here with us, then again I'm sure Merlin could protect us with magic if he needed.

"I see something moving over there." Merlin points to some bushes. We look over to see two beautiful deer in the middle of the field.

"Well done Merlin!" Arthur pats him on the back leaving his hand there for more then it needs to be. Gwen and I share a knowing look as Arthur gets his cross bow ready. "Morgana could you shoot the other one?" Arthur asks looking back at me. I nod and grab a crossbow. Arthur and I crept up closer to the deer so we could be sure that we would hit the deer.

"Whenever you're ready brother." I whispered into his ear. He smiled and put his two fingers on the cross bow trigger. I did the same and we both aimed at the two deer.

"Fire." Arthur says and we both shot our arrows towards the deer, but they didn't make it. I looked at the deer running away, our arrows stoped right in front of them. I turned back to Merlin to see he was as shocked as we were. So it wasn't him, who could've done that?

"Well well well, shooting animals how shameful." We hear a deep males voice coming from somewhere above us. I looked up to see a man wearing a cloak in a tree. He smiles and jumps off the tree only to be slowly brought to the ground. Arthur pulls out his sword and out of the corner of my eye I can see Merlin put his hand up. "Now now, no need to get hostile." The men says smirking.

"Who are you!" Arthur asked in a demanding tone. The men before us just laughs and with a quick spell he brought Arthur's sword to him.

"Pendragon who don't we have a bit of fun with your friends." He looks Arthur directly in the eyes with such anger it almost made me faint.

"What do you mean?" Arthur asks a little wary.

"You'll see. Now who to do it too?" He eyes Merlin and Gwen. His eyes travel to Gwen to long for my liking. "Got it." There was a big flash of light. For a second I thought I was blind but then the light faded and the hooded man was no more. Not surprising. What did surprise me though, was the baby whines coming from Gwen and Merlin's direction. I turned around to see just Merlin looking at the pile of clothes on the ground with wide eyes.

"Uh- where did Gwen go?" Arthur asks. That idiot.

"I'm right here, where's my daddy?" I looked down to see an adorable baby girl who looks exactly like Gwen.

The Four RoyalsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora