Morgana and Gwen

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Morgana's POV:

After I Met Merlin, Gwen and and I went back to my chambers to get me ready for the feast. My father has just executed another man. Thomas James Collins. Gwen couldn't watch so she waited by the door of my chambers, I watched though. It was a horrid sight. I saw Merlin looking around and then stopped to watch as well, I watched him look with fear. I was vey concerned with his behavior, mostly because of the way he acted when Gwen told Merlin who Arthur was. I felt bad for the boy he obviously didn't feel comfortable being here. After Thomas's head was chopped off, my father gave his speech. He is so harsh with the magic users from our land, doesn't he know that some people only turned evil because he made the law. I was about to turn away when a woman let out a crying scream. I recognized her from the village, she was a very nice lady, always looking to help people in need. Then I realized that Thomas was her son. I ushered Gwen over to the window.

"What is it my lady." Gwen asks. I pointed to the lady who was now yelling an enchantment and disappearing. Gwen gasped.

"Aw poor woman." She whispers. I look at her and she looked as if she was about to cry. I brought her in my arms.

"It's okay Gwen, don't cry" I whisper. She nods into me and wraps her arms around my neck. I felt a spark of electricity shoot up my body. Her warm breath tickled my neck as she nudged her head closer. My blush becomes visible to anyone who would look at me. Lucky Gwen was still snug against me so she doesn't see it. After a few minutes I assume it became awkward for her so she pulled away. My blush was now long gone, but I was missing her embrace.

"I will go get your dinner my lady." She says in her quiet innocent voice. I nod and give her a reassuring smile as she walks out the door.  She is to nice for her own good, one day that will get her into trouble.

A good 20 minutes go by before she comes back with a delicious looking bowl of beef stew. I took it and inhaled the scent, hearing Gwen giggle. Her laugh was like music to my ears. Never did I once not feel better after hearing her laugh.

"Gwen did you eat dinner?" I ask, she shakes her head as she straightens my sheets.

"Gwen you need to eat darling" I sang out. She giggled and walked over to me.

"I'll eat when I get home, my father will be waiting for me." She politely answers. I smile and stroke her hair. I can see her cheeks grow pink.

"Okay, well I will see you tomorrow Gwen." I said as I hugged her goodbye. She smiles tripping over the edge of my closet which caused me to giggle. Her face goes red with embarrassment and rushes out.

"Oh Gwen". I said out loud. When I am queen I will maker sure that we are together.

Gwen's POV:
As I was walking back to my house I couldn't stop thinking about Morgana. Was she messing with me. We have always been good friends, but why am I blushing so hard. Am I losing it? I think I am. Sure I love Morgana, but can this be something more than just a friend love. As a girl I can't be seen dating another girl, especially the king's ward. They will have my head for sure. I kept thinking until I got to my house. My father was sitting at our tiny wooden table already eating a good looking chicken, my stomach rumbled.

"Hello Father" I said in my usual sweet voice. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Hello Gwen, come sit I made your favorite. Chicken, Bread and Jam." He sang out, I giggled and sat down to have a good looking meal. After that was finished we both settled into bed. I lay awake thinking about Morgana and her beautiful eyes, and her stunning facial features. Most girls would be jealous, but me, well I was in love. I was purely and utterly in love with Morgana the king's ward.

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