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So I decided to make Lancelot like both Gwen and Merlin in this. Just because I like jealous Morgana and Arthur. 😏

Third Person:

The young warlock was out gathering herbs for Gaius when suddenly he heard screeching from behind him. He turns around to see a big feathered beast heading towards him. Merlin turns around to start running but being the clumsy boy he is he trips over a tree branch. The creature stands above him ready to strike the poor boy. Merlin shuts his eyes waiting for the pain to come but it never does. Instead he hears a yell from a man. He opens his eyes to see a very attractive man swinging a sword at the monster. The man tries to strike it but to no avail.

Breaking his sword trying to stab the creature the other male yells, "Run RUN!" They both run in between the trees trying to find a safe place to hide. Eventually they end up hiding next to a log waiting for the beast to hopefully not find them. Merlin hears a loud screech above him and watch as the creature jumps over the two men and flies away.

Merlin's POV:

I watch as the beast flies back into the woods breathing heavily.

"It's gone." I say looking up hearing the loud screeching from a distance. "You saved my life." I look at the attractive man sitting next to me. He was breathing harshly from all the running we did. "I'm Merlin." I say holding my hand out.

"Lancelot." He takes my hand in a weak grip and shakes it. He slowly leans his head back and passes out. I notice the blood from a wound on his shirt. I need to get him to Gaius.

Gaius was currently checking and cleaning Lancelot's wound. To be honest I was a little worried about him. Was he going to make it? Stay calm Merlin. He just has to, I never got to say thank you for saving my life.

"The wound it self is superficial, the fever will pass." Gaius said lifting up Lancelot's shirt. He was a sweating mess which I found insanely attractive. No Merlin stop! Stop this now! I can't be in love with a man. Uther made that illegal! "He should be fine by the morning." Gaius rips me out of my thoughts.

Arthur's POV:

"What creature could have done this?" My father asks on our patrol to the nearest village. It was burning up in flames and there was already a few dead.

"We found no tracks in or out. What the villagers say must be true, it has wings and," I hesitated.

"What?" My father questions.

"And it took no livestock, only people." A shiver ran up my body. "Whatever it is it has a taste for human flesh." My father looked back to the village.

"Post sentries at all the outlying villages. Put the look outs on full alert. If this thing should make it for Camelot we must be ready." My fathers voice didn't crack but I could tell he was worried for our people.

Merlin's POV:

"Ever since I was a child, I've dreamed of coming here. It's my life's ambition to join the knights of Camelot." Lancelot was telling me his about his life. I couldn't be more happier right now. "I know what you're thinking." No you don't. "I expect to much. After all who am I? They have their pick of the best and bravest in the land."

"Lancelot." I start out. Why was he talking like this about himself. He is so brave.

"Yes?" He questioned. God kill me now. I just love his voice.

"They're going to love you." I told him. It was true Arthur would love him. He would think he is so brave and selfless.

"They are?" He starts walking towards me. I began laughing a bit.

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