The Maid and the Warlock

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Gwens POV:

I packed up the rest of my stuff and headed out to my horse. My dad was already waiting for me.

"Gwen are you ready?" My father asks me. I nod and hop on my horse. I was about to leave when I spot Prince Arthur coming from the training arena. He waves to me and I wave and ride off.

We got about 2 hours into our trip when our horses needed a break. My father fed them while I want to freshen up by the lake side. A stick cracks behind me and I turn around to see a raven haired boy looking at me.

"Hello do you need something" I ask. He jumps a little and then nodded.

"Um yes, actually I was wondering if you knew where Camelot was" he asks. I giggle and walk up to him.

"I'm Guinevere but most people call me Gwen. I live in Camelot." I say he smiles.

"I'm Merlin" he reaches out to shake my hand. I shake it and then begin talking again.

"Would you like to come to my mother's grave with us, then we can show you the way to Camelot" I ask. He smiles sadly and nods.

"I would love too, I wouldn't be intruding on your mother would I?" He says sympathetically. I shake my head and grab his hand. We both walk to my father who was loading the horses back up again.

"Father" I say. He turns around and smiles but when he looks at Merlin he raised an eyebrow.

"Who is this Gwen" he asks.

"This is Merlin, he is trying to go to Camelot but I told him he could come with us to mother's grave and then we would all go back together" I answer. He smiles and slaps a hand on Merlin's back.

"Welcome Merlin, you and Gwen could share a horse, we are only about four hours away from Gwen's mother's grave." Merlin smiles and nods and mumbles a "thankyou" and we both get on the horse.

Merlin was actually pretty funny, he made jokes consistently and it usually sent my father in a fit of laughter. I was glad to see my dad this happy, it makes me happy and that's all the matters. We rode for another three hours, I was starting to get tired and the horses needed to rest, but we only had one hour left so we needed to keep going. A few more minutes passed and it felt unusually quiet, even with Merlin talking. I looked around and something caught my eye. Bandits

The guy knew I saw him, and he ordered his men to charge. My dad jumped off his horse with a sword, Merlin did too but didn't grab a sword. One of them was killed by my father, but they were closing in. I got off my horse and grabbed another sword. They were drawing closer and closer until Merlin stepped in front of my father and I and put his hands up. They all went flying back, I looked at my father who looked back at me.

"W-was that magic?" My father asked a bit scared. Merlin turned around looking scared and ashamed.

"Yes" Merlin answered, he said it so quietly.

"Why, why do you want to go to Camelot if you have magic. You could get killed.... or you are trying to kill the king" I half shouted. Merlin snapped his head up at me.

"No no no, of course not. I would never want to harm the royal family, my mother she told me that Gaius could help me control it. I was born with this magic, I want to know why." He reassured me. My father smiled and I smirked.

"It's ok, we won't tell anyone" my father said. I nodded in agreement and Merlin let out a breath.

"Thank you" he said and I nodded.

Merlin's POV:

When I first saw Gwen she was cleaning off her apron. Her hair was shinning in the sun, a little greasy but still very pretty. She was humming to herself with a smile, a smile that could make any man fall to their knees. She looked like a very nice girl, to nice to be a noble though, so she had to be a commoner. But what I didn't get was, she is very pretty, pretty enough to be a princess her hand worn down close to looking like mine. When I first talked to her I finally felt at home, not because I had an attraction toward her but because she reminded me of my mother. My mother has always stuck by my side, when I found out I had to go to Camelot to control my magic I was very upset considering I was just a boy. A naïve 18 year old boy nothing more, nothing less. Now that I have met Gwen everything seemed like it was going to be ok.

We eventually got to a village where Gwen's mom's grave was. It was a small village a bit smaller than Ealdor, but all the rest very homey. We rented a room above the tavern and unpacked our stuff. I offered to go get some water with Gwen to give to the horses.

"So you and your bestfriend Will was it?.... Okay Yea Will, you guys were out in the woods when some kids just came and started bullying you, and you threw them into a tree?" Gwen asked me. I nodded we both started laughing out heads off.

"Yes they looked so scared believe me it was really funny." I saw in between laughs. She started laughing again.

We went back with two buckets of water and the horses drank. I helped her dad with a few tools and finally they left to visit their lost family member. I stayed in our tavern room studying some books and thinking about what my new life was going to be about, pretty soon I fell asleep with my book in one hand and a quill in the other. My head draping over my shoulders as my body went limp and my eyes shut.

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