"Who IS That"

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Arthur's POV:

I woke up sitting on the ground Morgana had her head laying on my lap. I shake her a little so she would get up. She opens her eyes and gives me an annoyed expression. I chuckle and let her get up.

"Good morning dear brother" she says happily.

"Good morning Morgana" I laugh. She gets up and waved goodbye.

George helped me get dressed, I didn't say a word to him. He's boring anyway. Then I went down to eat some breakfast, my father was there with Morgana and they were talking about something. I could see Morgana was annoyed with him, but my father is to oblivious to notice anything. I sat down giving my father a nod before digging in to my food. I know very unprincy but I was starving.

"So when is your maidservant Greta coming back." My father asked Morgana. I glanced over her eyes full of rage. It was a honest mistake for a king but Morgana was not having it.

"Her name is Gwen, and she's coming back later today." Morgana said through gritted teeth. Gwen has been Morgana's maid since Morgana arrived at the castle when she was ten. They have known each other for ten years and they were really good friends. Good friends to everyone but Morgana and I. Morgana told me she thought Gwen was the most beautiful girl in the world. It was true Gwen was very beautiful though I wasn't attracted to her in any way, but I think Morgana was. I caught her gazing at her servant while she poured drinks during feasts, how she blushed and smiled when Gwen brought her flowers, how she was truly happy when her and Gwen could just hang out in the market together. It was truly a beautiful sight to see.

"Ah yes Gwen, well I hope she returns safe" father said while looking down at his plate. He knew he had upset Morgana in some way, though he was to arrogant to see how.

We finished breakfast and I went to train with my knights. Leon was waiting for me by the entrance and bowed.

"Your Majesty" he said and I nodded. We both walked outside to see my fathers knights all lined up.

"Ok knights, today we are knife throwing because you guys are slacking off." I yell. I wish my father would just get new knights, these ones are boring. I was throwing knives and the newer knights were trying to copy my motions. I saw one cute boy trying to throw them. I chuckled and grabbed his hips and placed them in proper order. He was blushing really hard. I was about to ask him his name when something caught my eye, horses were coming in to Camelot's gates. I turn to see Morgana
rushing down the steps. I turn back to throwing knives because I didn't really care about her maid servant when I was training.

"Gwen!!" She yells. I got distracted by her yelling so I stop throwing knives and go up with Morgana. I see a boy on the horse with Gwen and stop dead in my tracks.

"Morgana, who IS that" I say in a half whisper. She looks at the boy.

"I don't know Arthur, let's go and see" she says and starts walking up to Gwen. I walk up with her and now I can really see the boy. He had raven hair and his eyes were sky blue. He had cute big ears and a nice boyish face. His skin was smooth, but his hands looked rough, which probably meant he was a peasant, but how could a boy that cute be a commoner. Him and Gwen were laughing at something and his laugh was truly adorable.

"Oh Milady, It's so good to be back again." Gwen says in a cheerful tone. The boy looks up and faces us his eyes grow wide and then turn away blushing.

"It's good to have you back Gwen" Morgana states. My eyes rest on the boy who was now helping Gwen's father with the luggage.

"Who is that" I hear myself say. I didn't mean to say it out loud.

"Oh that's Merlin" Gwen answers. I finally look at her.

"Met him in the woods, he was very helpful." Gwen says. I nod and stare at Merlin some more.

"Merlin come here, I want you to meet some people" Gwen yells. He turns to her father and he nods. Merlin sets down the bags and walks over.

"This is Merlin" Gwen introduced him.

"Hello Merlin" Morgana said. She was eyeing him up and down. He squirms a bit and then looked directly at me and then looks back down at his boots.

"H-Hi" he stuttered, which caused me to smile. He truly was adorable.

Merlin's POV:

My whole world felt like it stopped once I saw him. He had sandy blonde hair which was falling on his face in perfect disarray. His eyes were as blue as the Lake of Avalon, and his body perfect. Perfect muscles, perfect legs, perfect everything,

"Hello Merlin" the beautiful raven haired girl said to me.

"H-hi" I stuttered. I inwardly screamed, why did I have to be so awkward all the damn time. I look back up to the man before me. He seemed to be eyeing me, like mentally stripping me which caused me to get self conscience and squirm.

"Hello Merlin" The man I was so fascinated by said. The way he said my name caused my heart to drop. He tasted every bit of my name like it was a meal. The way my name rolled of his tongue with such ease caused my cheeks to go pink.

"Hello" I managed to say without stuttering. I can't believe how nervous I was right now.

"Hi" he said again. I looked into his eyes. They were intoxicating. He stared back at me with so much intensity I thought I might faint. I averted my eyes quickly and looked back at the girls. They were eyeing us strangely, which I didn't blame them. We were probably acting weird.

"So Uh... Merlin this is the Lady Morgana and Prince Arthur of Camelot." Gwen said. My heart instantly stopped beating. Did she just say that this handsome man was the prince of Camelot. The same exact kingdom that would get me killed if they knew about my magic. I turned back to the prince with a very scared look. He looked at me confused and concerned.

"Uh- I have to go find Gaius the Quart Physician." I quickly stammered out and walked hastily away from them.

Arthur's POV:

I watch as the mystery boy walked in the direction towards the stables.

"Should we tell him that's not the way to Gaius" I asked. Morgana bursts out in giggles, Gwen soon started laughing too.

"No we will just let him find it on his own" Gwen answered and soon we were all laughing.

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