The Battle

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*Music up there to listen too*

A piercing scream could be heard all throughout the castle. Arthur Pendragon had lunged at his uncle. To protect his kingdom, his sister, Guinevere, his friends and most of all him. He made sure that Merlin was behind him before he just lunged at Agravaine. Little did he know Merlin was waiting for the moment Arthur would need his help.

On the far side of the castle Guinevere and Morgana found Sir Leon fighting off five black knights all on his own.

"Morgana!" Gwen yelled throwing a spare sword from the ground to her lover. Morgana caught it with ease and began attacking one of the knights. A swing and a slash later he was dead. Guinevere couldn't stand there and do nothing so she decided it was time to use her natural fighting skills. However she was still in her night gown. She threw her head back and made her shoulders as big as she could. Her dress ripped into two and she quickly slid out of it.

Gwen started punching their attackers hard. Most of them were knocked out in one hit. The last one was tough though. He could sense what she was going to do before she did it. She threw a quick put towards his face, he blocked it and jabbed her in the stomach with the hilt of his sword. She gasped and stumbled back. The man smirked at Gwen. That's when she side kicked him on his jaw and he fell to the floor with a thud. 

Gwen was very proud of herself. I guess all that training with Merlin really payed off in this situation. She hoped him and Arthur were okay. She loved them both dearly. 

Morgana was so impressed by her lover's fighting skills.

"How did she learn how to do that?" Morgana thought as she stabbed the last man. Leon was still on the ground putting pressure to a stab wound. Morgana took a minute to admire Guinevere in her undergarments. She was listing with sweat. It dripped down her neck and into her corset. Blood also was also smeared over her face and body. It made her look very attractive and Morgana just loved it. 

"You two should get out of here!" Leon shouted as more men came through the doors.

"We aren't leaving you behind Leon." Morgana said standing in front of him in a fighting stance. Guinevere did the same as she put he fists ups

Back at the other end of the castle Arthur was fighting his uncle occasionally looking to see if Merlin was okay. Merlin had already got into his fighting stance and was ready to fight physically or use his magic in anyway that he can.

"You're a traitor." Arthur spat at his uncle as their swords clanged once more.

"I'm just doing what's right for the kingdom." Agravaine said with a nasty grin. About three black knights came in through the doors. Arthur started to panic now because he still had to fight Agravaine.

"Merlin watch out!" Arthur shouted as he went for another stab towards his uncle. Merlin turned around and used his magic to blast one of them back. Luckily Arthur didn't see this. Then Merlin dislodged one of the armed knights by punching him in the shoulder. That caused him to drop his sword and scream out in agony. Arthur mistook the scream for Merlin and he stopped fighting to turn around.

His uncle took this opportunity to slice his stomach open just a bit. Arthur cried out and Merlin looked towards his prince. He quickly jabbed the last guy in the eyes and ran to Arthur. Agravaine laughed and Merlin glared at him. Then he picked up a sword and started to fight Agravaine himself. Arthur was on the ground recovering from the blow.

"Merlin stop no! He'll kill you!" Arthur shouted. Merlin chuckles as he slashed at Agravaine's chest. Agravaine slashed at Merlin, but he blocked it easily and smirked. 

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