The Poisoned Chalice

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Deep within the waters of Camelot a High Priestess plans her revenge waiting for the right time to strike Emrys.

Merlin's POV:
It was a sunny day in Camelot when Lord Bayard of Mercia came to sign a piece treaty. Currently the royal house hold is standing in front of the blue capes. Of course I have to be there because I'm prince Arthur's servant. Oh I'm getting side tracked. I turn and watch Uther stick out his hand toward Bayard to shake. The lord takes it in a firm grip and stare intently at each other. Then the applause started of course I joined in. It's not every day when you get to witness a peace treaty.

Later that day I'm working for Arthur is usual when I spot Gaius. He walks to me smiling.

"Why do I always get landed with the donkey work?" I asked him still walking.

"You're a servant Merlin it's what you do." He reminded me.

"My arms will be a foot longer by the time I get these inside." Gaius smiled again,

"It's character-building as the old proverb says, hard work breeds... a harder soul." I stare at him with suspicion.

"There is no way that's a proverb you just made that up." I smiled.

"I didn't-" he began, but he was cut off by a girl wearing a blue scarf on her head falling to the ground.

"Sorry." She apologizes and tries to pick up the things that she dropped.

"No that's alright." I said giving a look to Gaius.

"Excuse me." She tried to get up again only to drop the rest of her things.

"Let me give you a hand with that." I told Gaius more then her. I knelt down and began helping her with her things. We made eye contact and my breath caught me in my throat. She had piercing blue eyes that reminded me of someone but I couldn't quite think of who it was at the moment. We both stood up at the same time never breaking eye contact. "Hi, I'm Merlin." I tried to sound deep and mysterious but it came out more as a quite voice.

"Kara." She shook my hand and I felt electric shocks flow up my arm. "You're Arthur's servant... it must be an honor." I almost scoffed at this.

"Yea it is, well someone's got to keep the place running." I tried to joke but it came out pathetic. I made eye contact with Gaius and he gave me "the look".

"Thankyou Merlin." She said eyeing something in my hand.

"Hmm? Oh yea." I noticed her pillow still in my hand. I placed it on top of the sheets she was holding as she made eye contact with me again.

"It was nice meeting you." She smiled and walked passed me. I watched her as she walked down the corridor before disappearing.

"Shouldn't you be busy running the place?" Gaius's amused voice rips me out of my thoughts. I turned around and glared at him as he laughs.

Arthur's POV:
I walked down the castle hallways looking for Merlin when I see him, Gaius, and some girl standing in the middle of the corridor. I was about to walk up to them when the girl spoke.

"It was nice meeting you." She said in a slight flirtatious voice. I glared at her as she grabbed Merlin's attention when she walked by. What does she have that I don't. I'm the prince of Camelot, she's just a lowly servant. I turned around and stomped back to my chambers. I had a real treat for Merlin when he got here.

It was about a half hour later when Merlin came waltzing in my room with a pile of clothes in his hands. He smacked them down on the table with some force.

"Oh, when's the last time these were cleaned?" He asked taking in the filthy order coming from my jacket.

"Last year sometime, before the Feast of Beltane." I tried not to smile. Merlin had no idea what was coming for him.

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