The Master Fighter

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Sereena Willis was a simple old woman in the Camelot Kingdom. She would go about her daily chores and go to sleep at night like the rest of the kingdom, but on Friday her and a bunch of other people in the village went to the fighting club. The fighting club was organized by Leon, Arthur Pendragon's best knight. He didn't agree with the laws. Specifically the law that only nobleman can fight. He knew some pretty strong village man who were strong and with the right training they could become pretty good knights. When he started it was only man who fought while their wives stayed home, but after a while woman started to come down and then old people who wanted to get back in shape. Sereena was one of the best fighters Leon had ever seen. For a 78 year old woman she was very limber and if challenged she could take out majority of Uther Pendragon's knights. They never used weapons. They only used their fists and sometimes staffs. All was going well until Merlin and Gwen found the fighting club.

After Edwin came to the castle stating he had the remedy to cure all ills everyone was on edge about intruders. The club was in the bottom of the Tavern. It was almost impossible to find, but Merlin and Gwen followed Gwen's father down there. Soon they too were interested in learning how to fight. Merlin and Gwen would never tell Arthur and Morgana. The Pendragon's would be furious that their precious servants were getting beaten up and broken down. The duo were just about to ask Sereena if they could too learn how to find when Leon saw them.

"You two shouldn't be here. You know what Arthur and Morgana would do." Leon said disapprovingly.

"Yes well they aren't here are they?" Gwen smiled at the young knight.

"We want to learn how to fight too." Merlin said smiling.

"No! No no! Arthur will have my head." Leon said grabbing his hair.

"He won't find out.. PLEASE!!!" Gwen pleaded putting her hands together and making puppy dog eyes at Leon.

"Ugh fine!" Leon said throwing his hands up. Merlin and Gwen laughed and cheered. Leon shook his head with a smile. Sereena smiled at the two servants.

Gwen's POV: (it's been a while)

Merlin and I were so excited to start learning how to fight. Maybe we could actually defend ourselves when we are out on hunts. Merlin usually goes on hunts. Sereena the old woman who will be teaching us kind of reminds me of Queen Moria from Ravalyn. She was very nice like her. Sereena had long white and gray hair and whenever she walked she walked hunched over, but that was all an act. She could fight really well. I looked around at all the villages mixed with some knights. Leon did a really good job at setting this all up. All the fighters were doing flips and different tricks to get away from their opponents. I wish I could do that. Merlin and I were dressed in our training outfits.

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