Uther's Unexpected Downfall

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It was a normal day for everyone in the kingdom. The sun was shining. Nobody was sick and everyone in the kingdom have a decent amount of food.

That is until Morgause came into the kingdom. She was on a mission. A mission that would change Camelot forever.

Morgause traveled slowly and quietly to Morgana Pendragon's room. When she got there she opened the door and gasped at what she saw. Four people were sleeping soundly in the king's ward's room.

Morgana and Gwen cuddling on the bed and not to far away from there Merlin and Arthur were sprawled out by the still burning fire.

Morgause stuck her tongue out with disgust and turned towards the girls. She strutted over and yanked Gwen out of Morgana's arms.

"What? What's happening?" Morgana asked blinking her eyes. Gwen's went wide with terror when she saw Morgause. "Let go of her!" Morgana yelled. Her yell caused Merlin and Arthur to wake up.

"Morgana I expected better from you." Morgause whispered.

"Who are you!" Morgana yelled. Arthur quickly grabbed his sword and stood in front of Merlin.

"I'm your sister." Morgause laughed. Morgana frowned.

"I don't believe you!" She yelled.

"Then how is it that I know that you and Arthur are sister and brother." Morgause yelled. Merlin and Gwen gasped.

"State your business here!" Arthur demanded stepping close to her. Morgause laughed and within an instant she had both Gwen and Merlin by the throats. "Merlin!" Arthur yelled.

"Step any closer and they die." Morgause said tightening her grip on the two. Morgana rolled her eyes. She knew Merlin could save them if it came down to it.

"What are you doing here." Morgana said getting out of her bed and stepping beside Arthur.

"This has gone on long enough!" Morgause yelled again.

"What has!" Arthur stepped closer to them. Morgause saw this and started gripping Gwen and Merlin tighter.

"STOP YOU'RE HURTING THEM!" Morgana screamed as she saw Gwen had stared to turn blue. Morgause saw her sisters distress and let off some of her grip. Both Merlin and Gwen took a deep breath.

"Now I'm only going to ask this once." Morgause said dropping the two servants. They both were sprawled on the ground. Merlin suddenly had an idea. "Morgana will you join your sister and we could rule this kingdom together?"

"What do you mean?" Morgana asked.

"You are Uther Pendragon's daughter and you are also Vivienne's daughter, my mother." Morgause explained.

"I know." Morgana laughed.

"What! You know! How?" Morgause exclaimed with confusion.

"I found out a long time ago." Morgana waved it off. "Now give me back Guinevere."

"No! Not until you join me!" Morgause yelled reaching to grab Gwen but realized she was gone. She looked around and then back towards the Pendragon siblings. Then out of no where a punch hit her right in face causing her to fall to the ground.

Merlin's POV:

I hit Morgause straight in the nose cause oh her to fall to the ground.

"Now Gwen!" I yelled and Gwen hit her over the head with a vase. She dropped unconscious.

"Guinevere!" Morgana yelled rushing to wrap her in a hug.

"We need to go find the guards. I'm assuming they aren't where they are supposed to be." I mumbled loud enough for them to hear me, but nobody seemed to move. That is until I felt two strong arms wrap around my torso.


I leaned back into his body, inhaling his sent and sighed.

"Did she hurt you?" He whispered in my ear. I shuddered at the feeling.

"N-no I'm okay Arthur." I said smiling. It's nice to know he cares about me. Suddenly he stopped and quickly ran towards the door.

"WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!" He screamed. Morgana, Gwen, and I ran towards the door and looked out to see the knights fighting men in dark black cloaks.

"No." Gwen said trailing off.

"Listen I want you three to get out of the castle. Go straight towards to dungeons. I have to get my, er our father out of here." Arthur said turning back towards us. I'm guessing he didn't need to hide the fact that he and Morgana were siblings.

"No." I said allowed. They all turned and looked at me.

"Merlin. Now is not the time for your brave, heroic acts. I would feel much safer with you out of the castle." Arthur argued back.

"And I would feel safer with you." I said without thinking. Arthur looked at me astonished. Once I realized what I said I blushed and turned away.

"Fine, but Gwen, Morgana get out of here." Arthur said grabbing my arm.

Arthur's POV:

I grabbed Merlin's arm and tan out the door leaving my sister in her chambers. I had to get to my father.

"Arthur this way." Merlin said stopping me. He pointed down a narrow hallway.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Isn't this your castle?! You should know that this leads directly towards your fathers chambers."

"Oh I'm sorry Merlin. I WAS A LITTLE BUSY!" I yelled angrily.

"Shush you will attract them over here!"

"Fine whatever."

We headed down the narrow hallway without any interruptions. I was holding on to Merlin's wrist very tightly. I was afraid he was going to disappear.

We turned down my fathers hallway when I saw him. My uncle Agravaine. I haven't seen him since I was a boy. What was he doing here? Then I saw my fathers body. My heart stopped. No. I heard Merlin slightly gasp next to me but I couldn't even think. 

"FATHER!" I screamed. Agravaine turned to me. His eyes widened before he smirked. 

"Ah Arthur isn't this a nice surprise. That one pretty boy you have next to you." He teased. My vision turned red and I grabbed Merlin's arm and pulled him closer to me. I was not about to lose Merlin too. 

"Lave him alone Agravaine." I gritted my teeth. I looked passed my uncle at my dead father on the ground and fought hard at my urge to cry. 

"I don't think I will." My uncle said. He drew his word once more. It still ran red from the blood of my father. I drew my sword as well and pushed Merlin back. I looked him dead straight in the eyes. This was my kingdom and my Merlin. I was not going to loose both. 

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