Chapter 2

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I took out my phone and texted my best friend and cousin to meet me at the "Café De La" in 5 minutes. Café De La was approximately a 10 second walk in the busy streets of Manhattan. Lena had been my best friend for 21 years. We basically lived together when we were younger which brought us closer. Our fathers were brothers and often helped each other in the business world.

As I made my way out of the Braxton building, I texted Sam to pick me up in an hour at the familiar café.

I reached the familiar small coffee café which made my insides melt. I inhaled the scent of coffee beans and freshly baked pastries.

"Nic!" My head snapped to the corner where the voice came from. Lena sat in a corner booth to give us privacy since we didn't get much of that when we went out.

"Hey Lena." I smiled as I gave her a kiss on the cheek and took a seat across her.

"I ordered you your favourite coffee? Iced." She smirked as I laughed. I wouldn't know where I would be without her. She had similar facial features as me but had dyed her hair to a platinum blonde which I was thankful for. She had stunning dark blue eyes and a olive complexion. Many people had mistaken us for each other which wasn't good since she was a party animal and I was one of the 'stay at home and read' type of girls.

"So what are you doing in Manhattan? Another interview or appointment?" She sighed.

"Yes unfortunately, with Braxton Enterprises." I groaned quietly.

She gasped, placing a hand over her naturally big lips. "What?!"

"I know. Father had sent me to attend a meeting which turned out to be with them." I left out the details of Christian Braxton and the pull I felt towards him. The voice in the back of my mind hoped that I saw him again but I scowled before shrugging off the thought.

"Oh my god! That would've been so bad!" She exclaimed, obviously still surprised.

I nodded my head as the waitress brought us our iced coffees. As her eyes landed on us both, her eyes widened and she gasped. Her hand slipped which caused the iced coffee to spill on my singlet and onto the sweater that I had tied over my shoulder.

Lena, the waitress and I all gasped. I instantly placed my bag and folder which contained important paperwork on the other side of the table.

"Oh goodness! I'm so sorry my darling!" The waitress exclaimed. The poor lady looked like she was about to cry.

I chuckled softly, somehow not angry at all. "It's fine. Could you just tell me where the nearest bathroom is?" I asked politely.

"Sure. Unfortunately we don't have any toilets here but next door is Braxton Enterprises and they should have multiple bathrooms." She smiled. I sighed, I didn't want to be seen outside with a enormous stain on my clothes. That would mean bad press.

Her eyes widened as she somehow read my thoughts. "Oh goodness! You may use the back door and walk left and there will be a door saying 'Braxton." in bold grey letters." She smiled and slowly walked off.

"I can't go back into Braxton Enterprises!" I screeched.

"Nicole! You have to!" Lena exclaimed. One thing that was most important in our family was appearance. No matter what, we must always look our best. There's nothing worse then bad publicity, as my father always said.

I groaned as Lena got up and grabbed my hand. Before I knew it, I was being dragged out of the back door before anyone could see.

"Get in there. Ill wait out here, less attention will be brought that way. Trust me! Now go!" She sighed as she pushed me through the back door of the enormous building.

"Fuckin-" I cursed but I was interrupted by a hard muscular chest which I had been shoved into which caused my folder to fall on the floor.

"Watch were you're going." I groaned without looking up as I collected my folder and the various sheets that had fallen onto the black carpeted floor. My day couldn't get any worse.

"I'm incredibly sorry Nicole." A deep, sexy voice coughed.

Christian? My day just got worse. I groaned internally.

I fixed my hair and stood up. I looked into his eyes which were somehow brighter then his usual brown colour.

"What are you doing here?" He asked before looking at the massive stain on my chest.

He was attempting to not laugh but it wasn't working at all. I rolled my eyes. "Where's your nearest bathroom?" I asked, clearly irritated.

"Follow me." He said coldly.

We made our way into the lift, thankfully it was empty. "Why are we going to level 4?" I asked. There had to be a bathroom in level one.

"That's coffee. You're going to need more then water to get that out." He smirked.

I groaned and didn't say anything more.

"Level 4." The robotic voice said.

Without saying a word, Christian jerked his head forward to his office, the one I was in less then an hour ago.

I scurried faster then I usually walked. The automatic doors immediately opened.

"Do you have a bathroom in here Mr. Braxton?" I asked, clearly irritated and annoyed.

"Yeah, straight over there." He smirked as I took off my sweater which showed off my bust. My cheeks flames up as I blushed. Why was I reacting this way? I usually don't care when men give me any signs of attention, but when I'm around Christian.. I crave it.

"Thanks." I murmured as I covered my busy using my dirty sweater.

After I 'attempted' to remove the stain that was most likely in there forever. I walked out wearing only my black and red laced bra and high waisted pencil skirt, completely forgetting that Christian was in the room.

"Holy shit!" I screeched as Christians eyes instantly widened.

"Um, wow. Sorry!" He apologised. "Here's a shirt that I got for you." He said as he threw the black plain t-shirt at me. He let out a deep breath and smiled politely.

"Thanks." I smiled back as I put it on and tucked it inside my pencil skirt. I looked at myself in one of my many mirrors and shrugged, it looked normal enough.

Christian had one of his staff to dry clean and send my dirty clothes to my house. I had obviously protested against the idea, but he insisted.


"Who's shirt are you wearing? Looks good!" Lena smirked.

"Christian Braxtons.." I said slowly.

She immediately stopped in her tracks, we were walking back to Sams car to take us home. "THE Christian Braxton?!" She gasped.

I nodded with a curious look on my face. "Wow! I thought you just had an appointment with one of his staff! Not him! He is so attractive! It feels so good letting that out, gosh. I hate being enemies with good looking people." She continued rambling on until we reached the black luxury car with extremely tinted windows.

"Good evening Lena. Good evening Nicole." Sam greeted followed by a nod.

We greeted him back and rolled up the separator to give us privacy.

"So! Tonight there is a massive party which I think you should attend." Lena winked.

I shook my head instantly. "No. No. No. No. You know how I feel about parties." I protested.

"Is there any chance that you'd probably say yes?" She pretended to cry.

"Absolutely not." I replied back confidently.

She groaned as she crossed her arms around her bust and pouted like a three year old.

I hated parties.

A/N: HIIII. Hope everyone's enjoying this so far! Keep reading. I promise it gets better. Xxx

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