Chapter 22

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"Nicole, get ready." Christian commanded in his business voice which I loved. My eyes ran up and down his body and I chuckled. He was wearing a pair of ripped jeans and a white t-shirt which showed off his perfectly sculptured body.

I was in love with this man, my worst enemy and now the most important person in my life.

I giggled and stood from the comfortable couch that I was lazily sprawled across. I puckered my lips as I ran towards him and wrapped my legs around his waist, allowing his hands to be wrapped around my thighs and butt. I snaked my arms around his neck and huddled closer to his chest.

Christian laughed and kissed my forehead as he walked upstairs. He put me down in front of my room. Christian placed his hands over my eyes and lowered his head so he was breathing into my ear. Shivers ran through my spine and my breathing rate increased.

"Christian." I whispered.

"No, no. That'll come later, I promise you. But for now, shh. Close your eyes and trust me." He breathed as I heard the sound of the door opening. With my eyes still unopened, he lead me inside and sat me on one of the chairs in the room. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Christian realised and laughed as he shuffled around the room which caused a loud thud.

I chuckled before whining. "Can I open my eyes?"

"Keep them closed." Christian commanded in a bossy tone as I rolled my eyes and sighed. I hated surprises. I loved knowing every single thing, my Father had always told me I get it from owning major companies.

"Open." Christian finally said. I squinted and slowly opened my eyes, not sure whether I should be afraid or excited.

I gasped at what was before me. Christian was on his knees with a silver necklace in his hand. I gently ran my fingers across the jewel on the end of the chain. "It's beautiful." I whispered with tears forming in my eyes.

"The Pink Star Diamond. There's only one in the world." Christian whispered as he placed it around my neck. I laughed quietly with tears still in my eyes. "I know. Thank you Christian." I thanked him as I placed a passionate but gentle kiss on his plump lips.

"Let's get ready, hey?" Christian asked before rising to his feet and helping me off the chair by offering his hand.

I nodded and took his hand as he lead me into the dressing room where the glam happened.

As I entered, I realised the make-up artist had already arrived and set up. She looked in her mid 20's with platinum blonde hair and dark brown eyes. I smiled at her as she flashed a pearly white smile.

"Good Afternoon Miss Coleman. Pleasure to meet you, I'm Clara." The lady smiled as she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before ushering me into the makeup seat.

After finishing my makeup and hair, I walked back into my room while making sure Christian didn't see me until I was finished. I turned the knob of the door that led into my room which revealed the dress Christian bought me with a pair of diamond Yves Saint Laurent stilettos.

I smiled to myself before walking up to the mirror and observing my makeup and hair that Clara had done for me for Christians step-fathers Annual Christmas party tonight.

My hands ran through the delicate material of the dress and the crystal diamonds of the shoes. My body filled with excitement as I took my white robe off my body and plopped it on the bed gently.

I grabbed the top of the dress and slipped it on. I called in Clara to help me with the zipper of the dress since I didn't want Christian to see me.. Just yet.

"You look absolutely gorgeous Miss Copeland." Clara exclaimed as she handed my shoes to me gently. I smiled back and thanked her with a quick kiss on the cheek and continued sliding my shoes on my feet.

"Time to go Miss." A man spoke through the door. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion on who it was, didn't sound like Christian. I smiled as I realised it was one of his men.

"I'm coming." I whispered to myself as I took the first glance at myself in the tall mirror that led to my closet.

My breath hitched as I grabbed the red clutch and turned the knob on the door. Christians man stood professionally at the door, waiting patiently for me in an expensive navy tux. He was in his mid-20s and incredibly attractive with dark hair, dark skin and light eyes.

"Miss, the names Grey." He whispered as he offered me his arm. I slung my arm into his and lifted my dress to walk down the steep stairs to meet Christian.

"Sir." Grey announced as we reached the bottom of the stairs. My eyes scanned the room for my lover and my breath hitched instantly as my eyes ran up and down his body in the perfectly fitted suit he was in.

He turned around to faces and his eyes instantly widened. "Oh, fuck." He whispered to himself so quietly I could barely make out what he was saying. I giggled and allowed Grey to take me to where Christian was standing, in the lounge room.

"Thanks Grey, I'll take it from here." Christian smiled and Grey was taken by surprise but then smiled and nodded back at Christian. Christian often didn't smile at his men so it was definitely a good surprise for Grey.

A/N: Woooooooo second or third last chapter for you guys! Thank you for all the votes and reads. Keep reading! Love you all! - Jez Xx

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