Chapter 18

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"So, you're the famous Nicole Copeland?" Kristina smirked as she twirled her hair.

I shrugged off the intimidating look she was giving and raised my head. "Yes." I smiled politely. Kristina had forced Christian to help Jenny make dinner, so it was just Kristina and I sitting on the large comfy couch.

She was a skinny, pale, 18 year old girl who had dark circles under her eyes and wore nothing but black. She was a typical goth with incredibly thick eyeliner and streaks of fluro hair extensions in her jet black hair.

She growled before slamming her hand hard on the coffee table. "Look bitch, I don't like the way you walk around like you own everything in this country. If you hurt my brother, I will destroy you and everything you love." She snapped before kicking the table.

My eyes widened at her outburst but I quickly composed myself before speaking up. "Look 'bitch', I basically do own everything in this country. I don't intend on hurting your brother so calm down." I smiled before standing up and walking into the kitchen.

"Nicole." Christian whispered as he dropped the knife on the chopping board and slowly walked towards me. Jenny's eyebrows raised before cracking a smile and finishing Christians job of chopping up the tomatoes.

"Greg will be here soon." Jenny announced in a motherly tone as Christian stiffened and shot daggers at her using his eyes.

"Greg?" Christian asked as his grip tightened around my waist. Jenny nodded her head as she walked over and placed a fancy plate filled with rice on the dining table.

"My husband." She smiled faintly, like she was afraid of Christians reaction.

Christian nodded and dropped his arms to his side and pulled out a chair from under the dining table for me. I thanked him before fixing my clothes and taking a seat.

"I'm home!" A cheerful voice boomed throughout the house. My head instantly shot back and my eyes landed on a incredibly attractive mid-40 year old man in a perfectly fitted suit.

Jenny's face lit up as the man greeted her with a passionate kiss and turned to greet Christian and I.

"Hello, I'm Greg." He smiled as he shook my hand. "I'm Nicole Copeland. Pleasure to meet you sir." I chuckled as his eyes lit up.

"And you must be Christian?" The man asked as he faced Christian.

Christian took a deep breath in and stood up to shake the mans hand without saying a word.

The man pointed to the two seats in front of Christian and I before shoving us gently to sit down.

I smiled at the man as we continued to silently eat our meal. "So, Nicole. I hear many great things about you and your parents work." He smirked as he took a bite from his steak.

I cleared my throat. "Yes sir, we aim to please." I smiled confidently.

"I'm sure you do." He smiled before turning his attention to his wife. After a long 3 hours of conversing with Greg and Jenny, Christian and I grabbed our belongings and farewelled his parents.

"Uh, look Christian. The annual Christmas party is fast approaching next week and I would love it if you and Nicole attend. Nicole, you are more then welcome to bring your parents. I would love to finally meet them." Greg smiled as he opened the front door politely for us. I nodded my head and looked over towards Christian who was surprised by his offer.

"I'll see. Thanks." Christian replied coldly before turning his attention towards me. He jerked his head towards the door and smiled faintly at me before placing his hand on my lower back and leading me out of Christians mothers house.

"Thank you for having us, we appreciate it." I thanked Jenny and Greg before entering the limo and farewelling them.

A/N: I am so incredibly sorry that these chapters are soooooooo short but please please be ready and keep reading! I just got back from Melbourne so hopefully I will constantly keep writing. It's hard writing two books at the same time! Love you all! xx

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