Chapter 11

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A/N: Photo of Christian on the side!! Xx


I sighed as I threw my phone on the other side of my bed after my assistant texted me saying that they all miss me incredibly.

"Nic! I need help!" My mother screeched from her room as I frantically scrambled off my bed, falling in the process.

"What happened?" I asked as I ran into the closet, following the direction of her voice. There she sat, with 2 dresses in her lap. "I don't know what to wear tonight!" She cried childishly. I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

I helped her pick the perfect dress which was a short tight black dress with black pumps. While, I chose a grey short dress which had thick warm material which I adored, I paired it with a black long coat over it to keep me warm.

Once my parents and I finished getting ready, we entered the matte black limo which allowed Sam to drive us to Christians parents house which was 20 minutes away. Christian didn't live with his parents which made me realize that I needed to move out soon. I was gonna start looking for properties around the area that we currently were staying in. Would Christians parents like me? I wasn't sure but I was about to find out.


My father knocked on the large glass double doors as a man dressed in a black suit greeted us before allowing us inside. My eyes widened at how much smaller their house was compared to Christians. However, it was still larger then average American houses.

My breath hitched as Christian revealed himself as he walked out of a large room which I assumed was the kitchen. "Good Evening, Mr Copeland. Ma'am." He nodded at my parents before informing a guard to show them to the dining table politely. He chuckled before pulling me in to a massive bear hug, inhaling the scent of my freshly washed hair. My skin tingled at his touch.

"Come." He ordered as we walked past the white and black artworks that were hanging on the light grey walls. I rolled my eyes at his bossiness before following him to the dining table. A brown wooden table sat under a gold, diamond chandelier that must've cost a lot.

My parents and Christians parents sat on the dining table, demolishing the starters which consisted of Goat's cheese pissaladiere tarts. "Mother, Father.. This is Nicole, my girlfriend." He smiled as he took a sip of the ice cold wine.


His girlfriend?

My heart fluttered at his words. My mother and Carol squealed in happiness as Christian's father, Greg nodded and smiled politely. My fathers eyes widened slightly and I knew immediately to what he was referring to.


Sadness and worry swirled in his eyes as he nodded and ate one of the tarts that were placed on the silver platter. My father was the only one that was there for me when the situation with Ashton had occurred. He was clearly worried that I would get hurt again, but Christian would never do what Ashton had done to me.

"I'm happy for you." My father mouthed silently with worry still evident in his eyes. I nodded and mouthed the words "I love you." back to him.

The main course was served and after an hour of conversing, laughing and eating with everyone, Christian moaned under his breath quietly so no one could hear except me. His hand slid up my thigh under the table slowly as my breath quickened. Oh God.

I parted my legs slightly so he could reach "down there". My heart beat rapidly as he massaged my sensitive spot. I closed my leg and snapped my eyes shut to prevent me moaning in front of my parents and Christians parents. He chuckled as he removed his hand and wiped it on the black damp cloth which was placed next to a white plate before he could eat.

I looked over at Christian who seemed unaffected and continued to eat the delicious meal. I scoffed before demolishing my food quietly, allowing my parents and Christians parents to enjoy their playful argument about the tickets Christian had bought for us. We didn't need them, he out of all people should realise that. I rolled my eyes just thinking about it.

"Oh, darling! Guess who I saw on the weekend?" My mother leaned over to where I was sitting so only my father, Christian and I could hear.

"I don't know." I said curiously, urging her to continue.

"Ashton!" She squealed quietly. The blood was drained from my face as my heart dropped. I immediately snapped my head in my fathers direction who was now looking at his sweaty hands in his lap. My mother didn't know what had happened between Ashton and I. She was in Italy to attend my grandfathers funeral. When the situation happened, my father and I thought it would be better if we kept it between us.

As I violently shook my head, tears brimmed my eyes. I muttered a quick apology to my parents and Christians parents as I ran outside. I ignored Christians constant calls as he ran after me.

I immediately text Lena to come and pick me up as I run to the nearest coffee shop. Within 15 minutes, she pulls up and urges me inside the car.

"What happened?!" She instantly asks as I wipe the dried up tears from my red eyes. I shook my head before telling her what happened. She quickly nodded before taking off in the direction of my house.

"Christian?" I ask as I walk into my room. He was sitting on my bed with a worried look on his face. I was feeling better compared to 30 minutes ago due to the fact that Lena had gotten me McDonalds.

"Who is Ashton, Nicole? Tell me please." He begged as he grabbed my hand softly before leading me to sit on the bed.

I took a deep breath before speaking up. Could I tell him? I wasn't sure. "I can't." I said coldly.

"Why don't you trust me? Listen, I can help you. We can get through this together." He smiled faintly as he placed a kiss on my forehead.

I closed my eyes tightly for 20 seconds before looking up at his darkened gaze. I looked down at my sweaty, clammy fingers before speaking up. "Ashton and I were madly in love for 6 years. We did everything together and I always put him first.. Even before my own business and family." I scoffed at how stupid I was but continued talking.

"He made me feel special, like I was the only one for him. Little did I know that he was constantly cheating on me. One night, we attended a party that his friend had planned and put together. After he had constant drinks, he grabbed me roughly and took me outside and into an alleyway." I said as my voice cracked.

"He grabbed my head and kissed me violently. After I repeated the words 'no', he punched me in the jaw and continued to sexually harass me. He raped me. I laid in the alleyway for 23 hours before Alexandro found me. My father found out and threatened him so he couldn't return anywhere near me." I shrugged, refusing to look at what I assumed was a disgusted look on Christians face. I couldn't repay Alexander for what he had done for me. He had promised to never tell anyone which I was forever greatful for.

"There's the door Christian. I'm disgusted in myself too." I whispered, wiping a few stray tears.

"Don't ever say that again. I'm no where near disgusted in you. You're so beautiful Nicole. No matter what, I will always be here." He whispered as he used his finger to lift my chin.

I nodded as I ran downstairs to grab a tub of ice-cream and 2 large spoons.

"Why did you introduce me as your girlfriend in front of our parents?" I asked curiously.

"Because I was hoping you were going to accept after I asked you after tonights dinner." He smiled shyly. I gasped. Was everything going too fast? Damn, I didn't care.

I nodded as I snaked my arms around his neck and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

As I fell asleep wrapped in between his arms, I swear I could've heard Christian whisper, "Fuck. What are you doing to me Nicole?"


A/N: Hi guys! Now you officially know why Nicole hates parties and why she reacted the way she did when Ashton was mentioned. This is just the beginning and soon enough the real drama is about to start! Yay!

- jmarieal

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