Chapter 8

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“Bring a friend with you. - Christian.” I smiled at my phone before calling Lena immediately. 

“Lena, come to my house immediately. Bring clothes and makeup. We have a club to attend.” I smiled, attempting to shrug off my fear of parties. I hated them. I even hated the club, but Christian wasn’t the type of man to take “No” for an answer. She squealed excitedly before hanging up the phone.

After a few minutes passed, the door bell rang and Lena knocked 11 times. The guards willingly let her in. She squealed as she turned the knob on the golden doors to my room. 

I smirked before giving her a massive hug. “Let’s do this.” Her smile instantly brightened. She turned up the stereo as I curled my hair while Lena straightened hers. We both applied a dark smokey eye and perfected our makeup before running to my closet. She wore a light pink short dress which flowed at the bottom. Her cleavage was revealed and she wouldn’t have it any other way. Her long platinum blonde hair reached her bum. She paired her dress with white stilettos. 

I wore a black tight high waisted skirt and a red diamond crop top. I paired it with my favorite red bottomed black Marco Gianni stilettos. After we looked decent enough, it was 7:50pm. I steadied my breathing as the door bell rang, revealing a very handsome Christian. His breath hitched as his eyes ran all over my body. He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before grabbing my hand and greeting Lena. I don’t know why he asked me to bring a friend.. But my questions were answered as soon as we entered the limo that was parked behind the fountain. 

“Hey, I’m Noah.” A man smiled. He was attractive, incredibly attractive. Lena voluntarily sat next to Noah as I sat next to Christian. Music was pumping as Lena and Noah hit it off with 2 small bottles of vodka. We were going wild but we weren’t drunk enough yet. Christian had told Lena and I that they were best friends ever since they were 6 years young.

After 30 minutes of driving, the car slowed to a halt. A large man dressed in a black suit opened the door to allow us to exit the limo. 

Christian grabbed my hand and I raised my head to see the name of the club we were entering. “Club 000.” I raised my eyebrows as I haven’t heard of this particular club before. “Good Evening Mr Braxton. Good Evening Miss Copeland.” A young woman smiled before taking us to a private room. 

I sat next to Christian while Lena and Noah decided to go and dance. I smirked before reaching over the table to get a vodka bottle. I skulled it in less then a minute. I peered over to Christian who was currently watching me with widened eyes. The vodka burned my throat but I liked it. It made me let loose and enjoy the night without thinking about my fears of parties or party-like functions. I took a deep breath before taking 5 shots. 

Christian chuckled as he kept his dark intense gaze on me. As I ran my fingers through my hair, Christian grabbed my hand gently and indicated that we should dance. I hesitantly got up and stumbled. Oh, the alcohol is kicking in, fast. 

“Woah. Steady, babe.” Christian whispered as he placed his strong hands around my waist. “Want to sit?” He asked, worriedly. 

I shook my head, giggling. “No. Let’s dance.” I smirked. The adrenaline was rushing through my body as I lead Christian to the dance floor filled with dancing bodies. 

Lena squealed as she made her way from the other side of the dance floor to Christian and I. “Hey girl!” She smiled before taking another shot. 

I wasn’t drunk yet, damn. It took a lot for me to get drunk, I was far from a lightweight. I swayed my hips and flipped my hair deliberately. Christians jaw tensed and his eyes filled with lust as he placed his hands on my waist before swaying with me to the beat. 

I bit my lip as I looked up at Christians darkened gaze. His breath hitched as his hands roamed up my thighs and around my waist. 

After dancing with Lena, Christian and Noah for a couple of hours, we decided to call it a night. Christian grabbed my hand and lead us all outside where we stood waiting for his driver. 

I was freezing, Christian noticed and took off the comfy looking jacket he had put on in the limo. I thanked him before rubbing my hands up and down my arms to keep me warm. 

“Nicole?” A very familiar voice whispered behind me. I snapped my head to the direction of the voice. There he stood with a devious look on his face. 

My breath hitched and before I could open my mouth to yell or even respond, Lena gasped as she grabbed my arm roughly and literally forced me into the luxury car.

It was him. He’s back. I knew it. 

Lena looked at me worriedly with Christian attempting to comfort me as tears prickled my eyes. I shut out everyone and after 30 minutes, the car stopped in front of my mansion. 

Without farewelling Lena, Christian or Noah, I left the car and attempted to run in my stiletto heels to the front door. I looked back, thankfully no one followed me. Lena most likely warned them off. I needed my space at this moment. I can’t believe he was back. I wrapped myself in the blankets that were covering my king bed. 

He’s back. Ashton’s back and I had no idea why. But I intended to find out. 

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