Chapter 23

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"Mr. Braxton, Miss Copeland." Christians driver announced as he opened the door to the luxury car we arrived in.

"Let's have a good night." Christian smiled as he placed his lips against mine before helping me out of the car.

"Sounds good." I nodded my head and snaked my arm through his, remembering to smile at the flashing lights of the cameras, getting our every angle, leaving no room for privacy as we walked to the venue.

"Christian! So glad you could make it!" Greg, Christians step-father yelled with excitement clear in his voice. Christian laughed and shook his hand. I greeted Grey with a quick kiss on the cheek and excused myself to go get a drink, leaving the two alone to catch up and bond. I thought it would be a great idea for them to connect.

I walked over to the bar, allowing the paparazzi to continue to take photos of me. I stood behind an empty stood, not wanting to get my dress dirty. I ordered my drink and as I was waiting, I felt something tug on my dress. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as I turned around and looked down.

"Hi Miss." A young girl with bouncy blonde curly hair greeted me with a toothless smile and blue eyes filled with life and happiness. I bent down to where she stood and grinned as I greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. She was wearing a cute white dress which had a red stain. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Are you bleeding darling?" I asked, my voice filled with concern.

Her hand instantly shot to her leg to cover it and shook her head in a non-convincing type of way.

"Someone told me to give this to you." She instantly stopped smiling and her eyes became distant and cold. She handed me a note and I stood back up, realising how odd this situation is.

Before I could open it, she placed her hand on mine and mouthed the words "I'm sorry." and ran off.

"Wait! What?" I exclaimed behind the girl but she disappeared in the crowd. I felt the hairs on my arms stand up and I instantly knew someone was watching me.. And it wasn't the paparazzi.

I slowly opened the note, afraid to see what was written in it.

"You shouldn't have came here, Nicole. You'll regret this." I read as the blood seeped through the thin white paper.

"Nicole!" A voice squealed as they made their way to where I was standing.

My head shot up and I instantly felt relaxed as it was just Lena and Noah. I shoved the note in my bag and closed it.

"What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost!" Lena exclaimed, with worry evident in her voice.

"Nothing." I shook my head and cleared my throat. I convinced myself it was a stupid prank to scare me which relieved me, but the voice in my head telling me to 'be careful' never left.

"Are you okay?" Christian asked worriedly as he placed a kiss on my forehead. "I'm good." I smiled. Kristina trailed behind him and rolled her eyes as she approached me.

"Nicole." She spoke with anger clear in her voice. Christian nudged her arm as his jaw tensed. She cleared her throat and gave me her best fake smile. "Nicole, darling! So good to see you." She said with sarcasm dripping from her voice.

I chuckled and sighed, looking anywhere but at Kristina. The music died down and so did the lights as all eyes were directed to Greg on the stage.

"Welcome everyone to my annual Christmas party! I'm Greg, as you all know. I would like to start the first dance. May I have the honour of having the first dance with my wife, followed by my step-son, Christian Braxton and his girlfriend, Nicole Copeland? Thank you! Enjoy your night." Greg announced loudly as the large crowd clapped followed by a few murmurs and hushed whispers filled the room as I felt eyes burning in my back.

"Care to dance?" Christian bent down slightly to whisper in my ear. A lustful shiver ran down my spine as I nodded and took Christians hand as he led me to the middle of the dance floor.

A slow, beautiful melody rang throughout the hall as all eyes laid on us, Christian and I dancing along side Grey and Jenny. Jenny shot me a teasing wink as Greg spun her around, allowing the crowd to view her amazing sequinned dress.

Christian spun me repeatedly, his face emotionless as usual, but he was looking sexier then ever. My breath hitched as his hand slid to my lower back and traced the outline of my dress with the tip of his fingers. "Cant wait to take this dress off of you." He whispered seductively.

He chuckled as he realised how much he had affected me. I giggled, blushed and hid my face away from his sight as I buried my head into his chest, lightly making sure I didn't get any makeup on his overly expensive suit.

Couples were now invited onto the dance floor and we were soon surrounded by women in outstanding sparkling dresses and men in expensive suits.

Christian twirled me around and laughed like he would when we were alone. My eyes widened in surprise as he shook his head and laughed even louder.

I laughed along but instantly stopped as I noticed a dots of red liquid on the floor. I furrowed my eyebrows as I realised what it was.

"Blood." I whispered to myself. My breath hitched as I snatched my arms away from Christians grasp.

"I need to go to the bathroom." I whispered as I quickly dashed off to find the bathroom. His pained and confused expression filled my head.


A/N: 2nd last chapter omg! Hope you enjoy! Love you all! Xx - jez

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