Chapter 5

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A/N: I posted a photo of Nicole. This basically what I picture her to look like. Unfortunately I don't have her actual name, but if anyone knows it. Please message me or comment! It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys!


"Yes Lena! He's picking me up soon! What? No! Don't come over. I can do my makeup and hair myself. - Ugh. Fine! Be here in 5 minutes. Don't be late." I scowled through the phone.

In less then five minutes, the door bell rang and before I knew it Lena bursted through the double golden doors to my room. "Let's get started!" She cheered as she placed her makeup bag on my dressing table and forced me to sit on the beige stool.

I groaned as she spoke up again. "If you don't tell me absolutely every single detail I'm going to skin you alive." She smirked before applying my foundation. As she frantically searched for the concealer, I checked the time on my phone. It was currently 5:30. Christian hadn't told me what time he was picking me up so I had to be ready before 6, just in case.


"You look absolutely amazing." Lena shrieked as she took countless photos of me before I could get the chance to leave. I groaned as she forced me to stop and smile.

As I grabbed my purse, the doorbell rang. My eyes widened and Lena squealed from happiness as she basically forced me into the elevator to Floor 2.

I checked my appearance in the mirror and I admit.. Lena done a pretty good job. I looked breath-taking. As one of my fathers men interviewed Christian Braxton about why he showed up at my door, I cleared my throat which instantly got the guards attention. I smiled politely before speaking up, "It's fine. I'll take it from here."

Christian chuckled before running his eyes all over my body. I wore a tight red dress which showed off an excessive amount of cleavage and hugged all of my curves which I paired with black stilettos.

"Hey." He greeted with his sexy crooked smile. I nodded as I observed his amazing figure in the white button up top he wore. The tight black pants made his ass look plump. I groaned internally before shrugging the dirty thoughts from my mind. Before I could speak, Lena squealed softly.

"Hi! I'm Lena." She smiled before shaking his hand. He smiled politely at Lena's greeting but kept his darkened gaze on my face. I blushed as I nodded towards the door, indicating that we should go immediately before Lena makes us stay and have dinner here with her. I chuckled slightly at the thought.

"She's... very loud." He smiled as he ran through his fingers through his hair. I laughed as I nodded my head in agreement. He offered his hand out to help me in his car which I hesitantly took. As he noticed that I was hesitant when I took his kind gesture, he sighed before closing the door gently and ran to the other side to the drivers seat.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I glanced a look in his direction. His face was actually flawless. I hadn't noticed how gorgeous Christian actually was. I shrugged off the thought immediately.

"You'll see." He smiled. The car ride was very quiet with a few words being spoken here and there.

As the car came to a stop, I looked outside the window to find us in front of his incredibly massive house. I looked at him with confused eyes. "Why are we at your house?" I questioned.

He turned off the car and stepped outside as he quickly ran to my side and opened the door for me. "I thought being somewhere private would be better. We wouldn't want our faces on the front page of the newspaper tomorrow morning." He said as he grabbed my wrist gently and lead me to the front door. He knocked 7 times in a patternised rhythm before one of his guards opened the glass door for us.

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