Chapter XIX

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Taliya knew about the Fists and the historical importance of them but she had no idea what they looked like. She imagined it being grand rocks formed in a circle or something along those lines.

When they were approaching she could see a large group of mountains standing together. "We're getting close aren't we?" She asked Benjin. He gave her a nod and continued on. Something was off. She could hear something. Someone.



It was Mormont and the others! Benjin could hear them too and urged Thunder to move quicker.


"Alright men! Grab only what you can carry and let's move."



The third brassy note may have been a song from Death himself. No one had heard that third note played in over 1,000 years. Benjin did not lie when he said the Walkers had returned.

"SAMWELL! PIP!" Taliya screamed as loud as she could as Thunder approached the group of frantic men.

"Taliya?" Pip was hearing the voice again that was so sweet. He wasn't going to fall for it this time but then he saw her riding in on a black steed accompanied by a man. Benjin Stark! She had found him and she was ALIVE!

"TALIYA THANK THE GODS!" He yelled. "Hurry grab what you can we've got no time to catch up we need to leave NOW!" He gave an awkward side hug then rushed off. This wasn't the kind of reunion she had planned in her mind but she was excited nonetheless to see a familiar face.

"Benjin we must go. Where's Jon?" She scanned over the crowd of men had yet to see his face. "Pip!! Where's Jon? Sam? Anyone? WHERE IS JON SNOW?" Taliya was becoming panicked. The one person she needed to see was nowhere to be found. She felt a hand on her back. "Jon left with Qhorin Halfhand and his troop on a mission to look into Raydar's army beyond the Wall." Sam had a gentle touch and in all the chaos still seemed to be more concerned with Taliya. When she saw that it was him she turned and embraced him a tight squeeze. "Oh how I've missed you Samwell." "There's a lot I must tell you but for now you and Benjin must go and warn the Halfhand about the Walker army."

Benjin grabbed Taliyas hand and they made their way through the crowd. Along the way they were grabbing whatever they could. This journey could take days and she could die in the process. Everything was becoming more and more daring the longer she stayed with Benjin but she wasn't ready to take on all the excitement at once.

They climbed aboard Thunder and rode for the mountain side. Taliya looked back at her brothers and tears fell from her eyes. "COME HOME SAFE AND ALIVE WATERS!" Pip screamed as he waved. It was hard not knowing the truth but it was heart crushing to see her alive and bidding her farewell. She was riding into a death trap and he knew this was probably the last time he would lay eyes on her body alive with herself.

She clutched Benjins chest and tried to cover her face as mush as possible. The further they had reached the cooler the air and her face couldn't stand the burn of snow falling against it any more. That glacial feeling was wrapping itself around her being as she held Benjin tighter. Suddenly she felt a slight beat coming from his chest. His heart couldn't be beating because it was frozen. She began to worry. What was going on?

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