Chapter XXXVII

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When she looked upon Benjin she noticed he looked different. His skin fair, his hair short and eyes of brown. He looked warm and alive.
He wasn't wearing his normal covers but something that the Dornish would wear.

They were surrounded by large grassy fields and it was warm

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They were surrounded by large grassy fields and it was warm. The sun was so bright and there was this slight breeze that made it perfect. He took her hand and they just walked through the fields. In the distance she could see a cabin. The same one where they had grown intimate together.

He held open the door and gestured her inside. Once the door was shut she was surrounded by darkness. Benjin was gone. She looked around and found the door. Running out she realized she wasn't in those beautiful fields anymore. She was back at Castle Black.

"Jon? Sam?" She cried. "What's happening?" Then out from the training yard came a familiar face. Pip. He gestured for her to follow him. Taking her through the training yards to the courtyard he stopped at the wooden lift.

He lifted his finger to his lip telling her to remain quiet. He pointed over to the armory. She watched as Jon walked over and bent down to read some kind of message on a wooden board. Out of nowhere a group of brothers surrounded him. Taliya wanted to run for him but Pip held her back.

One. Two. Five. Eleven.

She watched as they plunged their knifes and daggers into Jon's body. Crying "For the Watch." as he fell to the ground. Pip still had a death grip on Taliya as she struggled to come to Jon's side. After a few minutes had passed Taliya noticed someone coming.

It was Taliya. How could that be?

Her alter saw Jon and screamed. Holding his bloody corpse in her arms she sobbed. Begging for it to not be true she cried for help. No one came.

Eventually Ser Davos, Stannis' right hand came to her aid and gathered some men. They carried Jon's body off.

Before she could follow them she was awake. "Benjin? Jon?" She began to cry and she realized that it was all a dream. Lead came over to her and sat beside Taliya.

"You have a gift. Have you ever seen anything like this before? The premonitions?" Taliya nodded. "It's my magic running through your veins. When you feel a connection with a being it grants you access to their fate. The whole story is not revealed but you're granted a glimpse." Leaf was trying to comfort her but she was really freaking Taliya out.

"So Jon will die? And Benjin, I'll be with him again?" Taliya was trying her best to interpret what she had just seen and Leaf somewhat understood.

"You will think you can interfere and prevent the inevitable because of the visions but nature will have its way. Jon Snow will die. As for your story with Benjin I'm not quite sure."

It made sense but she was confused on one factor. "I saw Pip. Why?" Leaf looked hesitant to answer her question.

"There's some things that must remain hidden. If we knew every little detail of our future life we would have no sense of life because we would live in constant fear. Get some rest. Tomorrow will be a big day for you." She kissed Taliyas forehead and got up.

Taliya couldn't go back to sleep. She was scared for Jon but like her mother said, "Nature will run its course."

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