Chapter XII

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"Ghost? Where'd you go boy?"

The snow was thick. She saw someone walking in the distance. Who was that?

"Jon? Sam? Hello!"

She was getting frustrated.

"Fine. I'll just kill myself trying to catch up to you."

She ran the best she could towards whoever it was. She paused to breathe. How were they moving so quick? When she looked back up they were gone. She looked all around her and it was just her and the snow.

"I'm lost."

Taliya tried to determine which way was right but her footprints had already been buried by more snow. She had to be smart and quick before the death she met was a snow burial.

Making her way to what she assumed was the direction of Castle Black she thought to herself "How could I be this stupid?"

With every step she took she was going slower and slower. The snow was too thick and not even her extra layers could keep her warm. She thought she could shed the covers to move quicker but she would freeze to death. She could see the sun making its descent into the horizon. She was running out of time.

"I need to get out of this snow." She muttered to herself. She looked around for a tree that was climbable. She thought if she could get up high enough she could rest and protect herself from whatever roamed these woods at night.

Wildlings. Wolves. White Walkers.

Two of the three were real and though she was skeptical about the walkers she still embedded in her mind that they were something to be aware of.

She found a tree where she could get her footing and began to climb. Her hands were numb from the cold but she was not going to let that keep her from making it to up this tree. She made it up about halfway and decided to give in to her pain. It was good enough. She could see the pitch white blanket that laid over the ground.

She rested her head upon the thick of the tree branch and felt her eyes growing weak. Taliya tried to fight the sleep but she lost. When she woke she would get as far as she could with the daylight.

Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. Crunch.

Startled, Taliya jumped up from her slumber. Someone was coming. Something was coming. She sat as still as a statue and kept as quiet as a mouse.

The small glow of fire could be seen in the distance. From the shape of the shadow it seemed to be a horse or something of that nature. A dark figure sat upon its back. Was this who she was following earlier? Had Jon and Sam come to find her?

She slowly leaned forward with anticipation but she found herself sliding off the branch. When she hit the ground she was unable to breathe. She gasped for air but she had knocked it all out of herself.

The mysterious horse was rapidly approaching her. As it got closer she noticed a hand was extended for her to grab. When it passed by she grabbed ahold and held tight. She drug through the snow and finally came to a halt. Able to breathe now she softly spoke, "Thank you.", as she wiped the snow off of herself.

"You're very welcome my dear."

A man with a voice that was oddly familiar.

Benjin. She was unable to see his face but she knew.

"You're alive!", she shouted with a tone of shock, "We all thought the worst. There's so much I've to tell you. Especially about your nephew."

"It'll have to wait my dear. We must get out of here quickly before trouble comes our way. I know somewhere safe for us to camp for the remainder of the night. When the sun rises I'll get you back to Castle Black."

She grabbed his hand and hopped upon his horse. Benjin gestured for the steed to go and they moved. Taliya held to Benjin tightly as they traveled and felt herself growing colder. No matter the amount of covers she wore she was freezing but it gave her a sense of sensation. She couldn't explain it but there was something nice about it.

There was a clearing in the forest. Benjin had made himself a little camp since he had entered the forest. It had been months since he'd seen someone wearing black. Months since he'd seen anyone in general. He could feel the warmth of Taliya and it was nice. Not just to feel a woman's touch but to feel warmth. To feel anything.

He climbed down as they stopped and helped her down. He began to make a fire and gave Taliya what extra covers he had with him. "Sit close and try to thaw yourself out."

"I can't even begin to thank you Benjin. You saved my life."

As he got closer to the firelight she could tell something was wrong. His face was pale white and his eyes piercing blue. "Benjin? Are you alright?"

"There's much you need to learn about these woods before I take you back. As much as I would love to hear about things back at Castle Black I'm unfortunately no longer a brother. My watch ended when a walker took my life."

She stared at him. She was speechless. Did he just say he was killed by a White Walker? He was alive and talking to her but he was dead?

"Benjin you're alive. How did a walker take your life if you speak to me as we sit here right now?"

"Have you ever heard of the Children? Maybe an old story your sweet mother told you to help you fall asleep at night?"

She nodded.

"Everything you think is myth is real. Winter is truly coming and it will be long. The walkers are real. The Children are real. Thenns. Wildlings. Giants. There's more danger than you realize beyond that Wall. The Children saved me and gave me back my life. I've been taking out walkers left and right but I may as well be one of them. As much as I wanted to go back I couldn't. I miss my brothers and I miss Jon but there's nothing more for me back there. I belong on this side of the North now."

Taliya was dumbfounded. Maybe the cold was getting to her. But she did wonder?

"Let me feel your heart."

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