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Meera shook her awake and grabbed her hand. Hodor had Bran on his back waiting for instruction. Another day filled with life threatening danger and Taliya was struggling trying to catch up.

"What's going on?" No one answered. "MEERA! WHAT ARE WE DOING?"

"The... the... walkers and the ni.. night king. Just come on we have to go!"

"The Night King? My father is here?" She thought to herself. While the walkers began to scramble through the roots entrance Taliya hesitated. Her father.

What was he like? Would he recognize him own spawn? Did he know she existed or did he even remember his life prior to being the Night King?

She would be lying if she said that the thought of confronting him wasn't in her mind. She had finally found her real mother and now she had the opportunity to see her father. She didn't want to be this lonely woman in the world anymore. She had parents. People who could learn to love her.

Before Taliya could conjure up another thought Meera had grabbed her hand and jerked her through the back tunnel. "We're leaving. Now!"

Following Leaf they ran as quickly as their feet could carry them. Taliya watched as a sea of white walkers began to enter through the tree roots and make way towards her and her company. The tunnel was long and dark. It was hard to see and it didn't help with Meera having an ultimate death grip on her hand.

Reaching the end of the tunnel the walkers were getting too close. It was a tsunami of bodies that reached the ceilings and covered every inch of empty space. Leaf looked at Taliya as she stopped. "I love you" she mouthed to Taliya and ran into the mob. Everything was moving in slow motion to her as she screamed for her mother. She had no real time with her. She wasn't able to get all the answers she wanted.

Taliya watched as within seconds she was consumed by the walker mob. Suddenly a bright flash appeared. Leaf had bought them some time with one of her sacks. Taliya never saw her re-emerge from the mountain of dead bodies.

They were nearing the end of the tunnel and Meera saw a door. After struggling for some time to get it open she pointed at Hodor. Hodor busted open the door and they all ran out. He placed Bran onto Taliyas horse and pushed the door closed. Taliya and Meera hopped onto the horse and even the dead could hear Meera screaming for Hodor to "HOLD THE DOOR!" Meera looked at him as the dead hands began popping out the door trying to push it open to be free.

Taliya hated to leave him behind but she didn't want to see the wave of dead men walking come through that door. Turning forward she didn't look back. She just lost her mother and her father had sent his army to kill her and her company. Just another great day in her book.

They made it as far as they could and came to a stop. "I have to make it to the Fists soon. I was only given a short amount of time for my own personal mission. I have to get back to my duties for the watch." She told Meera. Meera had the feeling Taliya was going to leave them there but she offered for them to travel with her.

Meera agreed to get back to the Wall with Taliya and they could part ways. They wouldn't rest until they made it to the Fists. From there Taliya gave Bran and Meera the steed. As they rode off she sat down and just cried.

She only stopped when she felt a familiar cold chill run over her body. She looked up and saw blue eyes staring down at her from the mountain top. He just stood there gazing at her then turned and walked away.

"He knows who I am

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"He knows who I am."

Her Watch Has Ended Where stories live. Discover now