Chapter LXVII

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Ash fell like snow.

It covered the streets and the few survivors were being rounded up by Daenerys' soldiers.

Being a slick thief granted Taliya secret passage  around the kingdom. Reaching the Red Keep she looked up and noticed that there was barely anything left.

She snuck through the side and made her way up to what would've been the Throne Room.

"Wow. It looks like how I always dreamed it to be." Daenerys said in awe.

"Excuse me Your Grace. I hope I'm not disturbing you." Taliya said as she made her way across the room.

"Taliya Waters! What a surprise! I'm so glad you've awaken." Daenerys embraced her into a hug.

"I am too. That battle was definitely one they'll write songs about. I see you've finally reclaimed your throne." Taliya replied as she held Daenerys a little tighter.

Before Daenerys could speak Taliya asked

"Was it worth every innocent life you took? Every speck of ash that falls from that sky shows how truly mad you are. Just like your father."

Taliya slowly took her dagger and slid it gently into Daenerys back. Blood dripping from her nose and mouth as she tried saying something but Taliya couldn't make it out.

"My future depended on your death. If you had lived I would've fought in far more wars than I intended to. It may have been a bit selfish to take your life but I think I deserve peace and happiness for once in this fucked up life of mine." 

Daenerys continued sputtering blood as Taliya withdrew the dagger from her body. Wiping the blade on Daenerys dress she laid her body down gently and escaped out the side door.

Her heart was racing. She'd just killed a queen.

A king and a queen in two weeks time. She would be a legend. She didn't care about the fame or the songs though she was just ready to be happy.

Finding the nearest horse she set course North.

It was time to live her life. Time to find Benjin.

Her Watch Has Ended Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora