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"Taliya we've got to move!"

Her breath was shortening and she could feel her legs trying to give out.

"How am I finding myself in this situation again? I thought everything was over!" She cried to Benjin.

She looked over to her left to realize he was no longer there.

The woods began to grow silent as her feet hit the ground harder with every stride. As much as she wanted to stop she couldn't.

Getting closer to the Grand Weirwood she kept telling herself that she couldn't let her exhaustion win.

That beautiful tree lay right across the clearing before her when she was knocked off her feet.

Absolute darkness.

"Where am I?" She asked as she opened her eyes.

Rough bark cut into her back as she began to realize she had been captured.

"You know I never thought I'd be here."

Her captor had a soft voice when he spoke. He began to circle around the tree to reveal himself.

"Jon Snow." Taliya scoffed.

Jon looked different. It looked like the past year had been well to him.

"Taliya Waters. It's lovely to make your acquaintance again." He whispered in her ear as he held a dagger to her cheek.

"I've been trouble free all this time. Now here you are trying to ruin the only peace I have ever been granted. Why go through all this trouble to find me?"

"It took me a long time to track you. Not very smart to make a home in the same place where we you know.. I once bared a great love for you. Do you know how hard it was for me to choose between you and Daenerys? She was going to be a great queen and you robbed her of that. I just want to know why?" Jon cried as the tears began to roll down his cheek.

"My visions showed me a beautiful woman. She told me of many things but she whispered in my ear that I would be betrayed. Betrayed by the snow. She said that snow and fire could never mix so the world would go down in flames." Taliya said through gritted teeth as she tried to break loose. "After that I had visions of Daenerys killing innocent people including children, trying to run Westeros with fear. I would've had to fight battles that I had no part in because that is my destiny. To bring peace but never having known any of my own. So I took the matter into my hands and I killed her. The worlds better for it."

Jon got closer to her face and just looked into her eyes. Suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her shoulder.

She didn't make a sound as he pulled his dagger out. The pain grew intensely but she fought through it.

"You know what you've done was heartless Taliya." He leaned in to kiss her. As he pulled away from her face she felt another sharp pain but this time in her chest. "Maybe you don't deserve a heart."

Jon looked into her eyes as the she could feel his steel blade ripping through her flesh.

She tried to scream in agony but no noise came out. Everything was growing dark and the only words she could muster were "I..Benji.." before her eyes gave into the heaviness behind them.

There was nothing but darkness surrounding her. Calling out for someone but their was no sound behind her voice.

"I'm dead.." she thought to herself. Had she ever known that Jon would be her demise she would've never trusted him.

Memories of her with him began to flash before her.

Of when they first met to when they first laid down together. As the last image played of him stabbing her in the heart she began to see a small sliver of light to her side.

Heading towards it she jumped out of her stupor and began gasping for air.

Her chest was on fire and she could tell something was wrong. Looking up she saw Benjin hovering over with a scared look on his face.

"Taliya.. how are you feeling?" His cheeks soaked from the tears that were falling from his eyes.

"I'm okay I think though my chest hurts a bit."

She glanced down to see a bright blue glow illuminating from her shirt.


"I had no other choice my dear. When I found you there was so much blood and I..I panicked. I couldn't just let you die."

Standing to her feet she looked down her arms to her hands. Paleness covered her body and she could feel the cold blanketing over her. It was that nice cold feeling she loved.

"Benjin..it was Jon." Taliya cried.

Benjin just took her face in his hands and whispered that he knew.

"He was here when I found you..he stayed by your body until I got here. It was a heart wrenching battle that ultimately he did not win." Benjin glanced over at the base of the magnificence tree. As Taliya followed his eyes she saw Jon's lifeless body laid against the bark with a pool of amber snow surrounding him.

"Taliya I'm so sorry I wasn't here to protect you."

Saying nothing she just pulled him into a tight embrace.

"Let's go home."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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