Chapter LIII

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Jon's voice bellowed throughout Castle Black. The execution was nearing and Taliya had no other options. She was going to have to give up and watch Olly hang.

Brothers began to crowd into the yard around the stage. Four nooses swayed in the light breeze.

"Bring out the mutineers."

Jon stood front and center as the ashamed faces walked to their positions. Edd came around and looped a noose around each neck. Taliya watched as Olly trembled with fear as the rope touched his neck.

She looked around for Sam and Gilly but they were nowhere to be seen. "Should I go back to my chambers? No for Jon will see me as weak. A traitor to his word."

"Are there any last remarks before we release you?" Jon said. He didn't look at any faces as the men began.

"Tell my mother I love her. Tell her I died in the wildling fight."* The first man cried.

"You shouldn't be alive. It's not right."* The next man stated.

Jon had made his way down to Thorne and he didn't expect him to speak. "I fought. I lost. Now I rest. But you, Lord Snow, you'll be fighting their battles forever."* Thorne spoke out. "I'm making my peace. As for you, you will live with sleepless nights for killing four of your brothers. Brothers who only had the best interest of the watch at heart."

Snow moved on to Olly. His eyes were closed & his body still shaking from fear. He didn't speak at all so Jon glanced at Edd.

Jon pulled out his sword. Taliya looked on from the back as she didn't move her eyes away from Olly.

As his blade hit the ropes every man dangled from their nooses like puppets. Bouncing up and down with their faces turning blue Taliya found it hard to watch. Olly was the first one to stop moving. Thorne was the last.

From the stairs Taliya could see Lady Melisandre observing the execution. Wanting to kill her in that moment as the boy she wanted to save dangled in front of her. Taking a few deep breaths she removed the thought from her mind. She just wanted to get out of there.

She went to her chambers and sat upon her bed. "I can't be here anymore. But if Jon catches me he'll have me hanged along with the others. Guess I'll have to sneak my way out again. As much as I'd love to try to uncover more of my past it's time to go home. Back to Kings Landing." She told herself.

Before she had the opportunity to gather her things together there was a knock upon her door.

"Are you okay?" Jon asked her as she opened her door.

"I am fine. I need to be honest Jon. I must return home. I will not break my oath as I shall return back to Castle Black but right now there's too much to handle for me. Watching Olly hang was a realization that I may not be strong enough to be here."

"I understand. That's why I came here. I'm leaving Castle Black tonight. My place is no longer here at the Wall. Join me in my travels." He said as he grabbed her hands. "We could start fresh somewhere away from the Walkers, away from the Free Folk and away from the Watch."

As sweet as it sounded to Taliya she knew she could never completely leave the watch. There was a war coming and she had been told she was supposed to lead. Her magic was growing everyday and she was finally learning about herself. She would return she just needed a break from the death and that's why she responded the way she did.

"Okay. I'll get my things and I'll meet you down at the gate."

Jon looked ecstatic and kissed her in his excitement.

"I'll be waiting for you."

It only took her a second to grab her stuff and she rushed out the door. What was she thinking? How much did she truly love Jon to leave the Watch behind? There was a chance that she wouldn't come back at all and she was kind of okay with that.

As she entered the yard Jon was speaking to Edd. He was handing him something. The large black cover that defined him as the Lord Commander.

"And what would you like me to do with this?" Ed asks.

"Wear it, burn it, whatever you want," Jon answers as he walks away. "You have Castle Black. My Watch has ended."

He gestured for Taliya to mount his horse as she approached him. She wished to tell Sam goodbye but she hasn't seen him in days.
"Where is Samwell?" She asked. "Well he's left with Gilly. He's to become the new Maester."

There was so much going on that she hadn't noticed that he had left Castle Black and was on his way to the Citadel.

Hopping up and ready to go Jon waved for the watchmen to open the gate. "Take care Edd."

As the gate swung open and they were saying their final goodbyes someone stopped them in their path.

Someone from the past.

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