Chapter VIII

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She jumped.

"Jon don't do that! You scared me half to death." She whispered as she shoved him.

"If they knew you were eavesdropping you would be in deep shit with the Lord Commander. Taliya go to your chambers or go to your post before they see you out here." He looked so sincere when he spoke so she backed away from the door.

"It was just so quiet. I didn't know what was going on. I want to learn and be a part of this brotherhood but I can't learn if no one is willing to include me. I feel useless and I've traveled so far to go through with this." She turned to walk away and he grabbed her arm. He turned her around and held her face in one hand.

"You're not useless but you're not being smart. Think next time okay?"

Her heart had fluttered when she felt his touch. She nodded and headed back to her post.

As she sat there the cold was nipping at her nose. She looked beyond the wall with wonder. What was out there? She had heard tall tales of the White Walkers but they were just a scary story that mean mothers would tell terrified children. Or were they? As she looked she saw a group of birds rise to the sky. A very faint glow of a fire could be seen.

Jon approached her and sat by the fire. It was quiet again. For hours they sat in silence. Finally they could hear the others making their way up the wall to their posts. Taliya watched Pip walk by and gave him a small wave. He smiled and waved back.

She thought to herself, "I wonder what Pip did to be here? & Grenn? Even Commander Mormont. All these men have pasts but it feels so out of place to ask them about it."

More time passed and the silence was so loud Taliya couldn't bear it. She stood up and dusted the snow off her clothes. She made her way back down to her chambers and climbed in her bed. She couldn't sleep. She tossed and turned and finally got up. As she walked to the mess hall she could hear some men training in the yard. Taliya watched as Grenn sparred with Sam and it was pitiful. Sam had no experience. It was painful to watch but she continued to stand there. Sam would fall but he always got back up. Taliya admired that.


Week after week the training continued and Taliya had yet to be called in. She had been doing side training with Jon and Grenn, she had even picked up her sword and was developing some amazing skills.

She was forming a bond with Pip and Sam. The men still made fun of Sams weight but they actually included him now. The time was coming soon for everyone to take their oath and Taliya was sure that Lord Commander Mormont wouldn't allow her to take the Black.

She was leaving the mess hall when she bumped into Thorne. "I'm sorry Ser." She muttered.

"You know Waters I've yet to see your potential so I'll tell you what. Tomorrow you'll pick up your sword and spar against Snow."

"Yes sir."

She knew he thought she had no skill whatsoever but little did he know she was actually getting better at swordplay. Grenn had complimented her stance whereas Jon would compliment the force behind her swing. She was no professional but she was good. She would shock Thorne with the element of surprise.

As she continued to the training yard she saw a raven coming in. Maester Aemon was a blind old man so Taliya was always confused as to how he read the messages sent by ravens. He didn't have a steward yet so she assumed he had some magical third eye that allowed him to read.

She approached the raven and grabbed its message from its foot. She proceeded to Maester Aemons door and knocked when she approached. "Maester Aemon its Taliya. I have a message for you." She heard no answer so she proceeded to enter his office.

Clink clink clink

She could hear him rattling around in something and then she saw him surrounded by bottles of what looked like gray slop.

"Welcome my dear. You say I have a message? Could read it for me?"

"Of course."

Lord Eddard Stark, the head of House Stark, the Lord of Winterfell, Lord Paramount and Warden of the North was convicted of treason. He fell to the sword of King Joffrey, of Houses Baratheon and Lannister, the First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm.

"Oh no. Jon's father. Maester Aemon should I call Snow for you?"

"No sweet child. You have grown close with the bastard boy. You should tell him and I would suggest now because I must inform the Lord Commander. It is a sad day to be one in the North."

Taliya left the maester's office and once she stepped out she had to take a deep breath. Her heart was pounding. How was she going to tell Jon that his father had just been beheaded? Benjin had still not returned and Jon needed someone strong to handle this with.

As she approached Jon at their post Taliya could feel the tears swelling up in her eyes. Jon instantly knew something was wrong.

"Taliya. Are you alright?"

"Jon I..."

"Ned Stark is dead."

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